Oxycodone10mg Imm Rel
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ON 09/16/08 my doctor switched me to10MG of oxycodone IMM I was on 5 mg four times a day they were the instant release they were very good except I needed two more a day so instead of giving me more he switched me to these three times a day and they do not work I was wondering why if they are the same as the other ones these are a pink the other ones were white and they worked within 20 minutes of taking to in the morning I have taken five of these today and I am still in tremendous pain I was wondering if these are not dissolving in my system like the white ones did so my question is what is the difference between the instant release and these that says IMM REL ? If anyone can tell me please e-mail me would appreciate it and am worried these are building up in my system and may OD thank you Joe V.
5 Replies
I find this to be so true. However, when you call the pharmacy/pharmaceutical company - you are wasting your time. There is a vast difference with generic to brand by comparison. If the drug is a CII, C111 or CIV. The misconception is the only reason why you are complaining is because they think, Oh, u must be a junkie or u r not being helped is placebo effects. Nonsensical entirely! The best way to find out if a generic is good is to simply type this into a search engine: WHAT IS THE BEST GENERIC VERSION OF OXYCODONE; hydrocodone, hydromorphone, etc. You will find out easily. As for Watson. They produce decent hydrocodone/APAP but their oxy sucks! For those of you that are seeking the best vicodin equivalent use qualitest. There are new versions of Hydrocodone that come in both IR and SR...so be careful. Immediate or sustained drugs are different in many ways and the best way for you to determine what is the best for you is by trial and error NOT! Always do your research because extended release tablets/capsules will build up in your body and this is dangerous! Especially, if combined with benzodiazepines like xanax. My best advise is to proceed with caution and always be sure to do your research.
Thank you for all your help everyone!
they are time release...not for immediate relief...
Yes, that is correct, they both stand for Immediate/Instant release, just different words for the same thing.
What you may be experiencing, however, is a condition of tolerance, if you stay on the same dosage of a medication for a long period of time, then your body will get used to it and that same dose will lose effectiveness.
Oxycodone is a narcotic analgesic.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth.
Do you have any other questions?
Ive experienced the same thing and the only theory I have is the pharmaceutical companies are not putting the right amount of active ingredient in them. I have complained to Watson about the quality of the meds. Sometime the 10's work great and the next refill it like just taking Tylenol. If you are using Watson brand then this is the problem. I have also experienced this with their hydocodone as well. When you call and complain they treat you like a drug addict and tell you maybe you are addicted. I know the difference.If I was to call and say this batch of heart meds are not working properly they would take it more seriously. So basically they are stealing from us and making us look like addicts when we complain. My friend who is on the same med complained of the same thing. 5's work and 10's do not. They are exactly the same as far as the way you body absorbs them and the same apap
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