Oxycodone M 595
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M 595

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I normally take oxycontin 40mg, but this month they gave me the generic ones with a square on it with a M in it and 595 on back. i noticed that it was working as well, so i looked at bottle to see if it was the same and noticed it wasnt. called cvs they said its the same, but it doesnt seem to help. anyone else seem to agree? or is it is me, or my pain getting worse.

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I am proscribed to the m/ 595 40mg and they seem to work very well, its my frist time using them I have used the football ones before though, but i feel that these new M/595's are great stuff. they keep me out of pain most of the day i take two a day and sometimes a extra one if the pain gets bad. I have a cracked hip. but the 40mgs seems to be working better then the two 20mg 20/OC. the M 595 seem to be alittle stronger maybe i think.

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I have not used them, nor heard from anyone who has, so I cannot tell you how they work.

Under Federal law, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand, in the active ingredient, by as much as plus or minus 20%, so some do not work as well, because you aren't getting as high of a dose.

These ones marked with an M are manufactured by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and I can tell you from personal experience with their other meds, as well as complaints from others online, that most of their stuff seems to be lacking!

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Okay,I remember the football shaped generic oxycontin and they did not work near as well as the name brand. My doctor agrees with that and told me 2 years ago that generic oc will be coming off the shelves because of their ineffectivness. Now, we have a new generic, the M 595, where do these line up in comparison to the name brand and the discontinued football shaped ones? also ABG or AGB, I forget, has a generic OC on the market, ,,they work very well. Do the M 595's work as well,,please advise if you or anyone can. thank you

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This tablet contains 40mgs of Oxycodone CR, a generic for Oxycontin. This is a narcotic analgesic.

Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth and constipation.


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