Oxycodone From India (Page 5)
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anyone heard of oxycodone made by Qualis Pharmaceuticals. Green round tabs with a score on one side but no other markings. Say they are made in UK and are in a sealed pack of 10.

151 Replies (8 Pages)

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I see u have 985# u in louisiana? If so contact me I need sum s***

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I ordered some that look like that. Did they work

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I live in South Florida. I have plenty oxycodone 30 mg that I am trying to part with.

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Does anyone remember the website they ordered the oxy from?? I want to order some but need a legit website I don't want to get ripped off. I would like either to get 30mg percs or 80mg oxy.

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trade? i like the sound of that cause it makes us both a lil safer cause anybody with bad intentions would only want cash.i email me if u want to talk more..

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hello, i was getting my meds from india, but my guy disappeared, any chance you know a trustworthy contact. I have US documents and doctors for roxy 30, but no insurance and I just can't afford a doc visit and pharm visit every month

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I know of a legal way you can email me cardealer_atl
The search is easy just think what you would say if you hit lottery.

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Can someone please provide LEGIT site where you can buy opiates like OxyContin 20-80mg the stronger the better, also Oxycodone or Roxi's 30mg, Valium, Clonazepam.... I am sure there's a website that is legit
and will mail meds to your house, it's just I do not have time to look for that site online, I am a contractor and very busy, but if you guys can help, I'll make a deal with you, will hook up with medication or cash if you need it more;)

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Looking for pain meds

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Hi Jeff (post #61),

There are a few legitimate online pharmacies that can fill your prescription. Search around google for one's that require a doctor to review your prescription at the time of checkout and you should have the order validated within a short matter of time. I personally haven't used this method for getting a prescription, but I know there are a handful of sites out there that are safe and legal to order from amongst the swarm of bad ones.

To find out if an online pharmacy is licensed, is in good standing, and is located in the United States, contact NABP at: www.nabp.net.

Legitimate pharmacies that carry the VIPPS seal are listed at:

For a list of boards of pharmacy, visit:

FDA: Buying Medicines and Medical Products Online
Quick Tips for Buying Online
* Make sure the site requires a prescription and has a pharmacist available for questions.
* Buy only from state-licensed pharmacies. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacies has more information about licensing and its program to certify online pharmacies.
* Don't provide personal information such as credit card numbers unless you are sure the site will protect them.

Hope this information helps!

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email me I think we can help each other

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ive got alot of cash and need reliable connect

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I would like to see florida laws passed that make it unnecessary to fill my oxycodone script only in my county. And to allow CVS and Walgreens to carry plenty of this medication to shut down these shady 5/6 dollar a pill pharmacy's that rape the US citizens going broke just to get there meds. I mean what the heck is the problem that national chains never have oxycodone? No winder people have to sell some of there medication and then get prosecuted for it just because of the larger pharmacy's never having this medication in stock. I guarantee you that there would be no robberys and less crime if fl. Officials would wake up and realize that its ruined peoples lives all over, then forcing the ones that can't afford nor tolerate being ripped off by these small chains asking way overpriced medicine. Its like all a big scam forcing people to then pay more money for these treatment centers to come off the medicine the real pain patients need to live a normal life. Something needs to change. Everyone needs to write letters to the people in charge to make these changes happen. And the DEA needs to focus on the real problems like the heroin and coke dealing cartels. Wake up America!!! DEA was started with a president that was impeached. There ruining the good people's lives that need legal medicine that has been around for over a hundred yrs.

patients need toto lead aa nornal nsuffere'ssufferes

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where can i find a legit online pharmacy? do you have a website? looking for oxycodone 30mg.

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contact me via email. serious buyer, your price.

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You guys need to walk down to the corner to cop ur goods. This is an informational forum..

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grumble i tried to post my e-mail address so you can contact me , your deal sounds great !! mabey you know how to do this better than me im new at this so if you can mabey tell me how to contact you or any other way we can talk would be great !! thanks tricky

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grumble that sounds like a great deal !! please contact me if you can help !! ......or anyone who knows a good cheep source in packistan or india as i an on disability and $$ is vary limited !! but i have to try as i cant stand the pain !! thank you for any help i can get !!

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i have cronic back pain !! i am looking for a reliable source for oxy80s , perfer india or packistan as i need them cheep !! i am on disablity so $$ is very limited !! if any one knows how cronic pain is and can please help me i would be forever grateful !! i also have a great deal on something else i cant mention for obious reasons !! help me and mabey i have something to help you !! thanks !!

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