Oxycodone Blue Pill A 51 Fake? (Page 2)
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So confused.. There are some of these that are really crumbly and look a lot darker than the ones I originally saw. They taste a lot grosser and are unpleasant.. They also melt in your hand and I didn't recall them doing that before..
K9's are a 30mg oxycodone, same thing as the rest, but I do find they are quicker released with me due to the filler and quicker out of me. All these pills are a small amount different because the manufacturers use fillers that may increase or decrease the effectiveness of the pills. They also react different with alcohol so you may wish not to drink with them or watch what you eat or drink with the pills. I found that the old Sierra Mist soda used to make the meds much stronger until they changed the formula it seems like all pills don't have the effect they used to. I'm pissed they took Sierra Mist off the market and replaced it with the disgusting Mist Twst.
To me, the "m" ones are so much weaker. The "a51" are stronger and the white ones make my chest feel weird.
The only controversial aspect is that most oxycodone that are pressed with Fentanyl are copied with the A51 blue form that people abuse. That is the only thing that would worry me. Being that Fentanyl is a very potent fast acting opioid that does not have a long life. Fentanyl is not only scary, and extremely potent, but way more addictive and the scariest part is it only has an onset life of about 30 minutes to 1 hour. That scares me because that means you will need more and more.
Not a very nice message I just read. Some people, like myself have to take 30mgs of oxycodone, and oxycontin, for extended relief... Having cancer 3 times and 42 surgeries, will give you a tolerance you don't want; but again now I have leukemia... Don't judge. There is only one GOD, AND IT'S NOT YOU!!!! Rude as hell.
Refreshing to hear, thank you Sommer, and Donna for your feedback and REAL advice on the subject. Some of us are really prescribed these "drugs" and take them as directed by professionals because we need them.
I really don't think any of us on this thread are legit or else we wouldn't be looking up s*** like this and commenting on it and pointing fingers lol. Notice I said us and we.
How much is too much? I'm taking 60 mgs because 30 doesn't do it for me anymore. Is it bad for my heart to be taking this pain medication?
Well. Im just gonna put it out there i want never mes with a roxy 30 because so many people r trying to come up with ways to make money i have heard that they being made out of different stuff
Where do they come up with that s***? I've been takin them for years and have done plenty of research. Even came across fakes. But it's kind of common sense that they would not put an opiate blocker in an opiate lol.
Lol why would they put opiate blocker in an opiate that makes no sense at all. Just took 1 now and no issues. They r darker than others but definitely legit
Yes i do,
I live in Minnesota and i am a regular user of Oxycodone 30mg #150 / 28 day supply. Recently i ran out two days early and received a couple to prevent myself from being sick. After taking them i got sick anyways so something was quiet wrong as because i wasn't feeling it and i was getting withdrawals. Didn't make no sense. Here i am taking 30's and im withdrawing so i went and bought OP 10 aka Oxycontin and took about 4 and a hour or two later my pre sickness withdrawals had ceased fire aka stopped, i started investigating. The imprint on the pill said A 51 which i searched and it came back as Oxycodone Hydrochloride 30mg tabs. So this wasn't making any sense. Why couldn't i feel anything? Plus why was i beginning to withdrawal? So i kinda thru a red flag and those 30's. Friday came and my doctor refilled my medication and the pharmacy gave me imprint A 51 the exact same pills so i immediately began to compare. I noticed red flags, the pills were different colors but both had the same A 51. The pill i got was light blue and the A 51 from my pharmacy was a crayon blue with speckles everywhere. Also my other pills were about 20 % bigger than the ones from the pharmacy. Also light blue pills were kinda hard to cut in half as if they were very stale. So after comparing i began to suspect they were counterfeit for a list of reasons:
-A severe headache
-Dizziness upon standing
-Was very stale
-Had no strength at all
-Different size than what i had
Rest Assured the pills were fake, they were A 51 light blue. Ladies and gentlemen they're are a mountain of fake Oxycodone going around and they are choosing to counterfeit Oxy 30's because of their high pay rate. However we are trained to look for numbers but not for images, but now we will. Ladies and Gentlemen counterfeit narcotics are being marketed as the real deal but i noticed that they are not perfect in size nor color of the counterfeit pills are not the exact same color as the pills they are trying to knock off. Look at the strength and brand to see if they match, if so look at the pill color. The color is where u spot the fake. Ladies and Gentlemen if you suspect you have been scammed like i did, take a couple of the pills and go to the emergency room. They will analyze it and reveal if its the real deal or a kill pill and get yourself evaluated to make sure there's no exposed danger your way that could creep up as a result of taking a counterfeit pill.
Oxycodone was not invented just for people with cancer. Or aids, which I guess is extremely painful??
My pharmacy was selling generics for brand name prices. It was in the newspaper. l am not really sure of any thing!?
Did you think before you posted this? They put an opiod blocker in an opiod? In effect making it plain old tylonol
These are probably repressed. .. which is crazy. . But people are shistie.... are you getting off Street.. Or pharmacy.. Because if they come from pharmacy like that. . There is a problem
I have had my meds analyzed by a lab tech and he informed me that each maker has different strengths. He told me that the mbox had like 26 or 28mg of the narcotic and 224s was like 22 or 24mg. I must say I was caught with a pill in my 7 day pill container (30mg/mbox) that I had forgotten about even after I showed the officer original bottle. It was sent to lab and came back as 28mg oxycodone. But i can say that I have doing them for about 7 years with pancreatitis and I found that these are not better the my mbox.
That is a fake you have gotten. There is binder that helps keep them from crumbling and to help maintain a longer shelf life. I would not have taking them if I had gotten from the phamacy or off the streets.
If melt in hand probably garage stamped fake ones not recommended.
Actually you are wrong. They do make them with naloxone in it, but a51s aren't them. Google it. They are S***.
No they do not, absolutely not, confirmed with pharmacist today!!!!
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