Oxycodone Acetaminophen 10 325 Changes


I HAVE OA AND need both knees and right hip replaced, I also have bone infarcts in both legs and in 2003 had a car accident that broke my neck c5,c6 &c7 along with damaging L5 -S1 disc herniation effacing the right S1 nerve root. my sciatic nerve is pinched and the pain is indescribable. I tore my ACL,PCL & MCL in my left knee in 2008 and had surgery to repair it. in October of 2013 I tore my PCL,MCL,ACL & LCL in my right knee the doctors did not repair any of this.i was on 1 - 2 10- 325 oxycodone acetaminophen every 6 hours for approximately 3 years and it did a decent job controlling my pain and all of a sudden in the beginning of November my doctor cut my dose in half without telling me why.. unfortunately it wasn't making my pain tolerable and when I asked her why she was doing this to me she dropped me as a patient and now im out of my pain meds. I never filled them early and I always went to the same pharmacy to fill it.Why is this medication suddenly something that doctors won`t prescribe for people who need it?

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Hello, Kim! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you've had.

New regulations were put in place last year, via the DEA, that instruct doctors to try to lower the dosages and amounts that everyone is taking. However, I can't speak for the doctor as to thy they dropped you as a patient for just asking about it. If they aren't prepared to handle such questions and aren't going to continue prescribing, they should have referred you to someone that will.

What type of doctor were you seeing, was it a pain management specialist, or a PCP?

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

The reasons for the issues with the medication is due to the fact that it is a narcotic that is so very commonly abused and misused.

What is your general location? Perhaps someone can recommend a good doctor in your area.

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Thanks for your time. It was my PCP and I live in Holland Michigan. My PCP was the only doctor that I was willing to have write my prescription and when I I kept asking what I had done to make her cut my medication in half she said that she was going to refer me to a pain specialist and when they called to set up an appointment with them and why I was referred to them I told them that I needed them to take over prescribing the percocet (because my PCP was no longer able) until they could help me find a doctor to do all the surgeries. I was told that they don't prescribe pain medicine they only do injections and oral steroids (which I can't take ) so I probably wouldn't be scheduled with their office. I do realize that they can be addictive but I watched my mom slowly kill herself with drugs and I have never abused my prescription in fact I didn't even ask for something stronger because all I want is to get my surgeries do physical therapy and stop having to take pain medication. I also think that I forgot to mention that I have fibromyalga and peripheral neuropathy along with a bunion that has disfigured my left foot so badly that I need surgery on it in order to walk properly. I'm not sure how much more pain I can handle. I'm in a painful hell that I can't even begin to describe. I have a hard time walking or moving now that I don't have any pain medication and my house is a mess because I honestly can't tolerate the pain. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Torn MCL, meniscus, dislocated patella and femoral bruise 4 days ago . Hurts like hell to say the least. Doctors prescribed 1-2 7.5 Percocet every 4-6 hours until surge can be scheduled. 1 pill isn't doing it but I am scared I will die in my sleep if I take 2. I know that is a bit dramatic but it scares the crap out of me. Is taking the offered 2 okay and reasonable with these types of injuries?

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Try taking 1 and 1/2 and see if that works. Or you could stagger them. Take 1 then in 2-3 hours take another. That way you get a more even dose.

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I take oxycodone 10/ 325for my 45 year old knee injury. I only take them when I desperately need them. I take 1 and a half because one does nothing for me. My question is I need to get off the tylenol, so Can I get just the oxy part, and will it be just as good for my pain. I am going to talk to my doctor about it.

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Hi, I'm wondering if Oxycodone-Acetaminophen 10/325 is the same as Oxycodone-Acetaminophen APAP?

Thank you

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Dr's are not empathetic at all, unless you have found one that is in pain--then they will know "your" pain and have experienced that pain too. I had a dr. (a Spine Specialist) tell me to "just take Advil" for my Advanced Cervical Disease and also my Foraminal Stenosis and for my neck-- shocking pain that is from the discs in my neck and causes me to have numbness and Migraines on the left side of my head, can you believe that?. I am in such pain and have finally found a dr (she is wonderful) that is so empathetic to my pain and she prescribes Norco 10/325 and Fioricet for me. I also take about 12 Motrin a day. I can only hope that the dr. that had told me "oh just take Advil" goes to hell with the most excruciating pain one could ever endure. Next time I see my dr. I will ask her to prescribe Oxycodone without the Acetaminophen in it. As far as topical creams, save your money.

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Can anyone identify a white round pill with 10 over 525?

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