Oxycodone 20 Mg K57 Vs Np14 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I don't usually count the pills when I pick up my Rx. This time I did & felt a difference in the thickness. Some are marked NP on one side & K57 on one side & blank on the other. I'm assuming they're from different Mfg Co's but don't like to assume with my pain pills! Also, is it normal practice for Pharmacies to mix?

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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It is definitely true that all brands are not the same. If they were why would a dr. write medically necessary on the prescription for certain medications so you can only get brand and not generic???

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Re: Jerry (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

You're right Jerry, the people on here complaining and comparing various brands of this very dangerous narcotic are most likely addicted to opiates and should seek help for their addiction. In the US one person dies every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, from overdose of an opiate. Oxycodone is just a cleaner form of heroin, and many young people turn to heroin when they can not obtain oxycodone pills and many of them subsequently die from heroin overdose because of their lack of experience with the always changing strength of heroin. Sadly, America is the largest market for legal and illicit drugs in the world. Wake up people before it's too late. God bless.

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Re: DaTruth215 (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

This is not all factual the pharmacy CAN give you two different brands of the same medications happens all the time if we do not have enough to fill with just one. Also generic memedications by law are required to have a certain amount of active ingredient so some will be slightly stronger or weaker because they have a minimumhow amount required so some only put in the min. So put half while other companies put the full amount so some are stronger then other and because of different pills having additives that vary people can have diffrent reactions to diff. Pills I knew someone allergic to one generic brand with yellow dye so people please fact check with a professional whwn inquiring about your medication.

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I'm a 69-year-old man who's tired of being treated like a junkie. I worked 35 years for a major Brewery and destroyed my back lifting kegs of beer. Kaiser came in and finished the job of ruining my life with two botched surgeries. Which left me in a wheelchair. I worked my way out of the wheelchair, but with 150mg of morphine and 60mg of OxyContin daily. I was on this regime for 7 years. Unfortunately I changed kaiser doctors. The day I was to meet the new doctor I asked a nurse where to find my doctor. Then my nightmare began. She was my new doctor not a nurse. She took offense to being mistook for a nurse. During my appointment with her she was visibly agitated. She told me she would like to reduce my dosages of my pain medication. Rather than irritate her more I said ok as long as it wasn't to low of doses. She said she was going to cut my morphine by 2 - 30 mg pills a day and leave the oxycodone alone. My daughter was taping the whole conversation on her iPhone and the doctor caught on to her doing the taping. The doctor hit the ceiling and really got angry. We left the office and went to the pharmacy at Kaiser waiting for the new prescriptions. A half hour later this nightmare begins. The doctor had cut my pain medication off without even anything for withdrawal; which the pharmacist said was wrong and called his boss and raised hell about her cutting me off and worse she didn't even give me anything in case I would go through withdrawals. I've never been treated with so much disrespect since this happened. I've went through 3 more of Kaiser's doctors to try and get my pain medication back to no avail. I finally had to go outside of the Kaiser network to outside doctors and different hospitals and have had to pay for them myself. Kaiser after 4 months gave me back my prescriptions at half the dosage to keep just from shooting myself. They don't want another suicide problem with all the legal suits against them already. But everyone at the hospitals and even first responders who have picked me up because I can't drive anymore because Kaiser's doctors gave me a stroke during an angioplasty and left me half blind. But all these people think Kaiser is out their minds with how they are treating me. Everyone I've complained to have treated me like a joke or a junkie trying to get a fix for my habit of abusing drugs. Governmental offices are of no help at all. Medicare and Social Security said it's a Kaiser problem and my contract is with Kaiser. I've had to resort to things I would have never thought of doing. But it's a matter of survival at this point. I'm having to file bankruptcy due having to go outside Kaiser for doctors and hospitalization and I emptied my savings account and half my pension. And still waiting for Kaiser to put my prescriptions where they were before I pissed off one doctor for calling her a nurse.

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Re: Tamara (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

This is the dumbest thing I’ve read on this thread so far, the FDA regulates all manufacturing of these pills and none of the companies are allowed to deviate from the projected formula or they would not be in business, it doesn’t matter if they’re name brand or not

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Re: Troop (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Being prescribed pain pills for a bad back is never the best course of action however being said if the pain is unbearable it may be a solution for immediate relief that being said also you should look into alternatives to pain medicines.

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Re: Troop (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It all depends on what's wrong with your back is it nerves is it muscle is it bone?

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Re: DarkAngelBoo (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

The np14 is very wack!! I hate them. But i hear they are great for headaches..

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Re: Sentinel (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Omg!! I knew it! There awful! Those 14 have no business being out there it’s not fair! We pay a lot money and expect to be out of pain somewhat! I actually felt like I was in withdrawal or something! I called the pharmacist and he was no help! I just changed from rite aid to bartell. I thought I was losing it!! I’m so glad I read this! That manufacture should be out of business!!!

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Re: JohnS (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

You're wrong! Do a little research and you'll find out the difference in the active ingredient can vary by a certain percentage, and the FDA are the ones that allow this, plus all pills have different fillers.

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Re: Cheche32 (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

Omg!! Me too! I think I was in withdrawal too! They are so awful!! I feel so cheated and all that time in pain for no reason!! I too just switched to barrels. They have a50 and a 57. They are so much better!!! How can they be out there to be sold! I heard rite aid is going bankrupt too! I’m so glad I found this post as I thought I was the only one!!

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Re: Sentinel (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly.. k57 is the Kvk tech brand..it's the best..

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Re: jerzeyj (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I have taken the kvk-tech 20mg for yrs and just got Rhodes 20/RP. Truly see a difference, these Rhodes are s****y, nausea and drowsiness and no pain relief, it will be hell trying to exchange them. Dr will have to call in New RX and put early fill, will have to pay for them, let alone all the down time it will take, and then be off every month with my other oxycontin. Had a failed back surgery of fusion 1 thru 5, can't walk by myself, no balance and in constant pain.

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I was on k57 20mg oxycodone for Theracic spine with three bulging disc. Went to pharmacy and received the NP 14 and I seemed to have a better reaction to these verses the K57s. I think it depends on overall tolerance level for u get relief from both manufactured medications.

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Thank you. Give it a chance! Who cares. Same s*** in it.

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Im changing from percocet 10/325 every 4hrs to 20mg oxycodone 4x day. I have had both k57 and NP14 in past didnt see much of a difference but I want to get which 1 works better for my break thru pain. On Duragesic 150mg every 72hrs also have Fybromyalgia, Scoliosis, Spinal Stenosis and multiple more issues with back can barely walk in am

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Can the np 14 pills be cut in half?

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Guys, really. I have to post this because this entire thread is so dumb. Y'all are all pretty stupid. First off, let's clear things up. Let's start with the basics. There are brand names and generics(chemical name- produced by other companies.) Brand names, example- OxyContin, should contain 100%. Generics, using the same example, oxycodone extended release tablets, by law contain at least 80% of the brand names chemical although good companies, such as Activist products I feel are equal to brand name. Don't believe me. Try ordering in a real Pfizer(brand name) 2mg alprazolam tablet. Compare it to a yellow Actavist 2mg generic. You will understand. There is little difference. Try a Sandoz(generic 2mg alprazolam) and you will see some companies do get away with less than 100%. If it was less than 80% they wouldn't be busy as stated in another post. This stuff is regulated.
Now, we will discus pain pills. Pain medications bonded with oxygen are generally stronger than ones bonded with hydrogen. Examples- oxymorphone(brand name-Opana). Hydrocodone/acetaminophen(Tylenol)(brand names vary. Vicodin, Norco, Hycet). Although Norco was popular for having 325mg acetaminophen, I believe all have dropped from 500mg to 325mg.

Now. Oxycodone 20 mg tablets. First off, the pill scored K57 is a generic as well as the pill scored NP 14. The only difference I have noticed is that the NP 14 are very hard. And do not cut or break easy like the instant K 57. However, since they are both generics. Only a lab will tell you the exact difference.

With this being said. Let's use common sense as well. Humans are all different. We all metabolize differently. So the bonding agent used by the generic companies as well as the way the tablet is pressed plays a large role in medication and its effects on your body. Example. Name brand OxyContin was initially scored OC and the other side had the mg number. But now, they have made an abuse proof version to control the addictive quality. The generic is now scored OP and the mg. They are virtually impossible to abuse by any method and many people report they don't work as well most likely because they are hard as a rock. Like the NP 14's are. I hope this sheds lights on the topic.

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yes it is true that the NP ones are weaker than the k ones.. The NP is a Pharmaceutical that is generic brand and the no Name Brand ones can make it up to 20% less of the medicinein it. Where the name Brand can only do 2% Less in it! Thats why they feel less potent than a k 20mg

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I have a bad back and am wondering if being prescribed oxycodone would be the best course of action?

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