Osteocerin Side Effects
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tab let
oval shape
glucosamine sulphate
pottassium chloridemsm
diacerein tablets

9 Replies

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i am 64 years. i have been taking osteocerin for the past one month. I was having pain only at the back of my knee. Now i am having pain in my waist too. I am taking collaflex powder too on the advice of apollo doctor. i am taking colloflex powder in the evening and ostecerin in the morning. Please suggest if these two things have any side effects and how long it can be taken

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I have been prescribed osteocerin for my knee pain and have been taking since last two days. Already i had suffered a prolapsed disc problem and was doing good. But ever since i have started taking this tablet my back pain has come back for worse. I am scared if it could be because of this table. Please advise.

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I have a prescription for Osteocerin tablets. They are quite expensive. Is there an alternative?

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I am taking osteocerin 1 tab. after breakfast under medical advice for knee problem. Colour of my urine changes to near red after taking the medicine.It becomes normal after I take water and gradually. Is this the side effect of the medicine?

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I have been taking osteocerin tablet daily after lunch for the last 10 days and now am feeling symptoms of acidity. Is there any side effect of this drug related to acidity ?

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This is the3rd month since I have been
taking osteocerin tablets for my knee
pain.For the lasst 15 days my urine
colour becomes blood red only after
taking the tablets for about one hr.
I am worried about this.Please help.

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the reddish color of urine is but natural in a varied no of cases, needless to say, it is a drug relatiom

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I am using this medicine for the last 6 days for my knee problem after consulting a doctor. Now my urine color becomes reddish. Is there any problem with this change? Please let me know.

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Osteocerin is a joint care supplement containing Glucosamine, Diacerin and MSM.

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