Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon From Actavis (Top voted first)


I had been taking 2mg suburb..but can't find anywhere. Also, an insurance issue I won't get into as it had me stressed today. Anyway, I was given 8 mg..and I cut into 8 pieces because I was taking 1mg only..sometimes 2. Anyway..I want off of these question, will I have bad withdraws when off? This is what worries me! Thanks..

18 Replies

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I was an addict for many years. Subutex saved my life. I went crazy using opiates and H. It stops the cravings and use it and get your life in order

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Hi Mary,

Sorry to hear about your situation with Suboxone. The truth is that it really does affect everyone differently, even in terms of the severity of withdrawals. However, I'd encourage you to have a look at some of the other related Suboxone threads 'here' on MedsChat to get a better perspective on the types of symptoms others have reported throughout the course of their withdrawal experience.

I know some people haven't reported any problems stopping a 1mg dose; yet in other cases, long term patients have still had withdrawal issues even past the 0.5mg mark; whereas they found themselves having to taper down to .25 mg for about a week before being able to stop completely. At the end of the day you just have to strategically do what feels right in your heart since there's no one-size-fits-all method - at least that I'm aware of.

Has your doctor been kind enough to offer his/her opinion as well?

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I'm sorry...I'm taking Subutex! Sorry for the misunderstanding...
My doctor knows I'm wanting off...seems I just keep getting scripts only because I myself am worried about withdraws.

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Hi David
I'm doing well and still taking about 1mg subutex daily. At this time taking for my cronic pain as I would take this med over pain killers anyday. I will never go back down that road of where to get my next pain pill or worry before i run out. Subutex has been a life saver for sure.

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Got hooked on pain meds because of a neck fusion, was on 8 mg 4Xs a day, stopped my craving for opiates it was suboxone I was on, then I switched to Subatex white ones same does, then my insurance company BCBS said I could only have 3 a day verses the 4 a day I have been on for 9 years this happened about a year ago, I felt the difference, did anyone else's insurance company get involved cutting your dose, it has not been approved as a pain killer in the US only overseas but we all know it takes away the pain, and it's a miracle with my PTSD Just can't believe these insurance companies think they are Drs, this medicine has saved my life.

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I heard that. Ive messed up the receptors in my brain so bad this pillI is the only thing that makes me feel normal

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U am 3 days off narcotics for surgery. U can bresk any habit. I experienced nauseau x 1 day

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We're you taking subutex? Yes, any habbit can be broken..but my question is a serious one! I'm not taking because I'm abusing, I need them. Though I've been told the withdraws are sever even when taking 1mg daily! What were you taking? Thank YOU

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Forgive me Mary, I seemed to have conjured up the word "Suboxone" in my own head as I didn't realize you never even mentioned it in your post - totally my bad! LOL. It's so easy to get mixed up between the two "Subs" after a reading about them for long enough. I hope all has been well with you lately! :)

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It depends how long you have been on them..My insurance company cut me down from 4 8mg a day to three without any explanation, this happened last year, it's been almost 10 yrs or maybe 9 since subatex saved my life.

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It all depends on how long you have been on them, when you get down to .4 maybe
O.2 ml you should be prescribed lofexadine to help you and zopiclone at night for a wk but you night have a day or 2 of uncomfortable so I would advise you to drink some tonic water because its got quinine in it and that will stop the restless legs, maybe a couple of ibuprofen too. You must not tale any opiates though as you probably no. WILL POWERS very important, kind regards, craig

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I have to wonder, what is the purpose of a Dr. Taking people off one pill only to get them hooked on another? Crazy! But on another note, I have been prescribed pain meds for years now. The problem is i always run out a week or so early, this throws me into very bad withdrawals. So when i heard about the DEA allowing Kratom to be sold again I tried it. And it stopped the hot flashes and diarrhea, i would even go as far as saying it helps a lil with the pain. If you want help getting off opiates this is your KEY. For the mood swings ask the dr. for valium as long as you can control getting addicted to the valium that is. The red dragon is what i take, i was told the reds are for pain.

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Be careful always. Just because their markings show as a specific pill, does not mean it is real!!! Counterfeiters purchase pill presses & special order imprints. If in doubt throw it out!

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Hi there, I started. On subtex at 16ml an got down to 0.2ml and the withdrawal was the same as being on 16ml, but don't worry because you are switched to another drug that I can't think of the name but your doctor will know, it's to ween you of subtex for approximately a week then zopiclone to help your sleep but you will still feel a bit worse for wear for a few days but you will be fine if you have good will power, when I did it I was one of the first to take it a long time ago so I was basically a Guinea pig and never had the substitute that's how I know you still withdraw Off 0.2, good luck. Craig

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YES! You definitely will have withdrawals. If you thought they were bad on opiates...omg! Worst 3 months of my life. I usually only withdrew for about 3-5 days on opiates but 3 months on Suboxone. That's why you're supposed to be weaned off.

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Re: DP (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry I’m late my insurance did the same and now the pharmacy is having trouble ordering way ward 54411- used to be roxanne brand, I’m sick of pharmaceuticals co! It’s a joke they cut out the product to save money and we have to suffer!!

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I got mixed around with subutex a few years back. I started off with regular hydrocodone/oxycodone and was offered subutex, I stayed on them consistently for a few months. I loved them, they were so strong. I would cut them in 4 and take a quarter a day. By the end I was taking 3/4 a day. But when they ran out and the withdrawals started it was the worst I've ever been on. I've never withdrawn from opiates but im sure it was similar. I couldn't sleep, anytime I tried to eat I would get very nauseous, restless leg syndrome in my arms and legs when I would try to sleep. The simplest tasks seemed impossible. Days 3 and 4 were by far the worst but after about 8 days you start to feel normal again. It will be the longest 8 days of your life.

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DP, I am surprised to hear that you have had a doc prescribe you subutex for almost 10yrs! Is it the same doc? Reason I ask, is because most clinics/docs do not believe in maintenance. Most want to start and stop within a yrs time now a days, but what works for one isn't a fix all situation for everyone. Everyone is different and if this med changes your quality of life, I believe that being on this medication as long as you have is perfectly ok. Only problem is, it's hard to find doc's now a days that will maintenance. Good for you. As far as the dosage you've been on, 4 8mg sub's a day is hard to find as well. Sounds like you have a very liberal doc. That's great b/c you and I both know, their hard to find. For the insurance issue, I UNDERSTAND! I know all about BCBS and they don't like to pay for that many a mnth. I recently received a letter from them as well stating that they want the morphine equivalent in order to cut back my dose from 3 8mg a day to probably 2. It's in the works now as we speak and am anticipating a problem next week when time to refill. They don't want to pay for even 3 a day and are wanting the morphine equivalent!!! Funny, this is the exact opposite of morphine! I guess b/c it's considered a pain pill that is how they justify a morphine equivalent. Do they not understand this is the exact opposite! It's for drug abuse! How can their be a comparison!! Weird! But that's an insurance company for you. Always trying to get out of paying for something that you need desperately. Thank god though, if they decide to not pay for 3 a day, after an appeal and a fight, it's not that terribly expensive to have to pay out of pocket for 30 a mnth. Best of luck and can feel your pain.

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