Orange Oblong Pill Moon On One Side And 153 On Other Side (Page 2)
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I have no idea what this is... I think it's a subutex. Can someone plz help me find out?

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Subutex does not have the blocker in it, where as Suboxen does. Suboxen has Naloxen in it which is the opiate blocker.

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does the subutex 153 oval orange ones have the blocker in them

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Yes they are 8mg buprenorphine (subutex). They stopped making the small ones with 8 on one side and arrows on the other side. These are Walgreens new vendor.

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Yeah i seen one today for the first time
It was orange and oval with a moon and 153 on it so it is a 8 mg subetex right..

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In my previous response here (post #1), I had mentioned that the manufacturer was listed as Actavis Pharmaceuticals.

And you can actually find more information online by visiting the manufacturer's product information page at:


From what I could gather, FD & C yellow #6 has reportedly been linked to ADHD, allergies, cancer, stomach aches, & inflammation of the skin, to name a few. They actually banned this food coloring agent in several European countries, including Norway, Finland, and Sweden, if that says anything about its negative impact on our health… I'm not sure of the other binders and fillers, but it would probably be a good idea to research each one individually and see what information you can find.

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Who is the manufacturer? How come you can't find them online?

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A good friend of mine has been on subutex for years now. I look up to him sorta as a father figure. And he administers his subutex in other ways than prescribed. I know it isn't right for him to do anything like that, but I'm worried now cause he got his prescription yesterday and they gave him the new oblong orange tablet with 153 on one side and half moon symbol on the other. Does anyone know if these have any other ingredients that could be harmful to him?

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Hi linny,

You were actually right on target with your assumption! Based on the description provided, I found an orange oval-shaped pill with a half moon logo on one side and 153 on the other, to be an 8mg Buprenorphine hydrochloride (sublingual) tablet; aka generic subutex.

For added verification, the manufacturer is listed as Actavis.

Inactive ingredients are reported to be as follows: citric acid anhydrous + crospovidone + FD & C yellow #6 HT aluminum lake + lactose monohydrate + magnesium stearate + mannitol + pregelatinized starch (maize) + povidone + sodium citrate dihydrate

I hope this helps!

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