Opiate To Replace Methadone For Chronic Pain (Top voted first)


Could someone please advise me , as I have a BIG PROBLEM.
I'm suffering from Central Pain SYNDROME following a severe STROKE in 2006 .
I was tried on several drugs, but methadone @ 150mg daily is what I've been on for years, which totally destroyed my teeth . In November of 2015, I was told by Pain Management, that because of new federal guidelines that my MME-morphine equivalent MUST BE MUCH LOWER . They started reducing my daily level at that time .Now, 6 months later, I'm now at 20 mg, tomorrow, I go on 15 mg daily, after being on 20 for the last week. I go to the pain clinic Friday and I'm not sure what to ask for, as I need 24 hour pain relief . Could anyone with experience please Help .
I'm in a bad situation, but h happy that I'm getting off of the methadone, after years of dragging the ball and chains around, however, I'm right where I started . Could someone Please advise what medicine that I could possibly go on that could help me for 24 hours, with a lower make number, PLEASE .
Also, how low does one need to be to jump off the done ... ?
Many thanks and may GOD Bless each of you .

2 Replies

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If they are talking about the CDC guidelines they have lowered you way below their recommended dose is 90 morphine milligram equivalent . Which with you being on Methadone they could give you at least 60 mg a day of Methadone because that equals 90 mme aday

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CDC Opioid Guideline information can be found at this link.

As to which medication may help, any time released formulation might be beneficial for you in the correct dosage.

The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Ref: Safe Opioid Use

Have they set forward any plan for how to treat your pain in the future?

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