Opana Prescription Online (Page 4)


Does anyone know a safe place to get a prescription for opana er 40 mgs filled online? My Dr. cut me off and I am in pain (not from withdrawal), but agonizing pain in back and knee. Please someone help me find a legit pharmacy.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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How bro will you show me where to go to to order

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Get at me, i'm interested in the ops, xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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if anyone has any they want to get rid of email me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy} just remember the @ symbol. I just got switched from opana to fentanyl patches and i hate them. The opana worked so much better.

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I'm interested in your fentanyl patches if your selling...let me know.

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I KEEP RUNING OUT OF OPANA is there a place where i could grt a few extras

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Getting an order of any narcotic medication without a valid perscription is illegal. My advise find a good pain management doctor who will give you the perscription. My doctor has me on opana and transdermal fentanyl. The reason why doctors are not prescribing opanas is because the increase of overdose, selling on the streets, the new formula was recently released, and many pharmacies refuse to carry it because of increased robberies, not being able to get them from multiple suppliers and the spike in overdose. I have been on almost every narcotic medication and I agree opanas work the best. The only one I wasn't on was methadone. So you can blame the drug abusers and thieves for the lack of supply and doctors unwillinv to prescribe.
I am disabled for 3 yrs now and was a dialysis nurse. I have seen first hand pt overdose on this drug quite a few times. Las Vegas I had a young man who overdosed on opana and xanax that put him into acute renal failure. I just want you guys to be safe. Do things the right way. The only place I can get my opanas is at a hospital pharmacy

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I get them from Romania. It used to be a website that has gotten shut down now its just the person that co-owns the pharmacy that I talk to on the phone because I was his biggest customer. The only opana they have in the old formula which are the only ones i buy, are the 30mg.. no 40's, I have them pretty much allways unless you catch me on a day im waiting for the mail which takes 13 days from Romania. I dont pm on this website and I never have my voice on the phone. You can text me at {edited for privacy} or email but this website wont let me say my email... even with spaces.

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Hey Bdux... are you still around?

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I was wondering what bdux had goin on myself because I'm about out of my stockpile of original 30s, only have a handful left , still hav quite a few of the generic 15mgs left. Get ahold of me on {edited for privacy}. We can't post actual email addresses so hopefully my address makes sense.

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Hi Diana: My name is Rick and live just outside Buffalo, New York. I'm responding to your post regarding those who provida Opana 40mgs. pain reliever pain meds. I, too, have severe pain which (in my case) stems from my lower back and both knees. I've been taking Opana for sometime now but my current doctor is trying to change me to other pain relievers which, suffice it to say, help very little or not at all. My doc says its about NYS and their prescribing policies regarding these type of pain meds (or similar). Truth is this is one of the few meds which actually help. Can you help me out here? Any help you can provide, Diana would be of great help to me. Hope to hear from you soon and thank you again. Rick E-mail: {edited for privacy}

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Text me if you know any thing about we're I can get opana!

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what is the website? thanks!

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Had a double spontaneous e neumothorax a couple months ago had surgery on both lungs....only sent home with darvicept which does nothing for the pain! Any help is appreciated

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Anyone that can please help me out with any pandas worth the pay email me I'm in much need thanks

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C this was posted a few yrs ago Terry I hope u r there. I do need a reliable source to get medications w/o prescription. I have been with pain management for over 14 years. I am not cut off of medications problem is I live in Florida. Best way to show you the problems is look up fines placed on Walgreens. Due to the fines both of the main pharmacies are monitored closely. They are only allowed so much pain meds if the pharmacy runs out of narcotic pain meds, to bad so sad they have to wait til the next mth. They are not allowed to call other locations to find it. for you either from one place and who knows how long that will last. Humana has a mail order pharm but they can't ship narcotics to Florida

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{edited for privacy} Will u send me information about getting them without a script please? We can talk when u email if u want? I really need this thanks

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Hey Terry and Diane what resources do you have for the opana. I tried an online site. Lost $400.00! Broken collar bone and no insurance! Thanx for all your help.

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I am in severe pain 24-7. I have had 5 surgeries over the last 3 years on a combination that of medications that I have become tolerate to over the last several months because I have been on the same meds for so long. I take hydromorphone 8mg 4 times a day and they no longer effective along with 100mcg fent. patches. I'm wanting to try the oxymorphone to see it they help and then will inquire to my pm doctor. please let me know

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Email u where?

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hey man could realy use the name of that web site where your gettin opanas from india thanks

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