Opana 40mg Vs Oxycontin Op 80mg (Page 19) (Top voted first)


my Dr prescribed Opana 40mg as alternative to Oxy 80 mg 2 twice a day which I would insufflate - I didn't tell him this of course. he claimed them to be just as good if not stronger can any one share about opana 40mg

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I was taking 80 Mg's Oxycotin's but when my Health Insurance recommended 40 Mg's Opana's because they stopped covering the 80 Mg's Oxycotin's. The Opana's do help me with some of my Chronic Pain work about 30% less than the 80 Mg's Oxycotin's. I do get break through Medication's the 30 Mg's and the 15 Mg's Oxycodone's they help me between the 8 hour's of taking the Opana's 3 time's a day but now I have to talk to my doctor about the Opana's as far them making me itch so badly that I scratch until I bleed. I take Allergy medicine to help me with the itching but it really doesn't help plus with the Opana's not working 100% it's causing me grief then they are worth. Now in New Jersey a lot of law's are different and new and the Insurance Companies make sure that you are aware of what's going on with them not covering some of the Medication's that work for me. Some Medication's work for other's but not me and it seems that doctor's are either deaf or they won't listen to you. It's like the more you educate yourself on the Medication's that you take the doctor's think and feel that your drug seeking Well I am not drug seeking I know my body more than anything or anyone else just because I am educated doesn't mean that I am an drug addict also. I am in Pain ever second of the day and I get Charlie Horse's (Muscle spasm's) every second also and the only thing that helps me with that is Soma's but again the doctor's are afraid to prescribe them even though they are not an narcotic I really can't take this pain anymore everyday is an big effort to even get out of my bed. Just can't take it anymore. Does anyone have any advice on how I can talk to my doctor about this situation? I appreciate any and all Advice. Thank you

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What doctor u go to im trying to find a doctor for my chronic back pain

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I take the 30mg oxymorphone ER which is different than Opana. It works wonders. I also get 30mg oxycodone for breakthrough. I had to fight with my insurance company to cover the oxymorphone and they finally did. They wanted me to take the MS Contin which is garbage, except for the 100mg and there was no way my doc was gonna write me those. So for all who are on Opana I hope you know they have a legal suit against them and are gonna be pulled off the market. So get yourself prepared for that. I'm just saying...

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I understand where you're coming from but since 1964 thru 1967 I have had my Hip's both Leg's in an cast from my waist down with just a slit in the middle so I can go to the bathroom and Everytime a nurse would pick me up they broke my Leg's and Hip's again in the amount of 4 time's so I was in a room for about 2 year's like that. I had to learn how to walk all over again. Now after that situation I winded up in the Hospital again because I would wake up brusied all over so they took me away from my parents and accused them of beating me but when I woke up in the Hospital with more brusing my grandparents asked the Hospital did they beat me. They never found out what was wrong with me at that time and as year's went by I had to have surgery on my back and after 3 failed back surgeries and with 6-6 inch Bolt's and 4-4 inch Rod's in my back and don't forget about the 2-2 1/2 inch Pin's in my thighs from the surgery from 1960's No one has the right to say to me now that I don't have Chronic Pain and Muscle Spasm's Every second of everyday. There are day's that I can't even get out of the bed to go to the bathroom. I cry everyday and night because of the Pain. I really would like to see if anyone can walk in my shoes and tell me that it's not a big deal. As far as the Medication's that I am on and I do get some what of a relief but with all of the people out there who is abusing These type of Medication's it hurts us in a way that all the doctor's are afraid to write scripts now and the Insurance Companies are also making it harder for people who needs these types of Medication's by not covering some of these Medication's. I always think that I would be better off if I did myself in but if you're thinking like that then they say that you have some kind of mental illness or unstable and that's where they try to treat you like you are. I just wish that the doctor's could tell if you are seeking or you really do have a lot of Pain.

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Sorry to ask this but my name is Shawn and I have had a horrific accident in 2007. I was on oxymorphone 30 mgs 3xs a day and oxycodone 30 mgs 4 xs daily. Due to unfortunate events because of the state of west virginia with the guidelines here im having trouble finding a doc to help. Been through 10 back surgeries and a bunch of fusions as well. Now having trouble at new levels. Numbness all through my feet and very bad leg cramps and restless leg syndrome. Need some advice please. {edited for privacy}

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So I'm going to fill in 10 days,my oxymorphone 30 MG ER. I hope everything goes o.k since the recall of Opana don't know what kind of backlash I'm gonna see guess I'll find out then. But if I get trouble I decided to ask my Doc to switch me to 60mg OP'S once again I'll have to fight with my insurinsurance company why when I finely found something that helped me something stupid like a recall had to happen. Just pray all goes well

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I know exactly what you are deaping with , I am 43 yrs old have failed back syndrome ,ddd, siatica, narrowing of spinal canal , have had 10 surguries on my back ( 8 fusions 5 was on my L5/S1) rods and screws from my L2/3 down to my L5/S1 Fibromyligia , nerve damage everywhere , restless leg syndrome , I have not felt any feeling in my feet since 2007 and my knees buckle when I walk roughly 2 blocks , I also have trouble getting to the bathroom and I am also am pretty much bed ridden both hips I have arthritis in plus its all throughout my spine also . I had my last fusion in Sept of 2016 . Adked my nerosurgeon if he could set me up with a pain doc for mine had left the area . I am feom around the Pittsburgh Pa, Youngstown Oh area and thos doc I am now seeing is not a long term care doctor I have gone from oxymorphone 30's 3xs daily and oxycodone 30s 4xa daily to oxymorphone 10s 2xs daily and oxycodone 10s r xs daily this is why I am bedridden I am so frustrated with this system . I have 2 young kids 13 yr old girl and 10 yr old boy and I cant do anything with them . I really need help. If anyone can give me any kind of a point in the right direction that would be great , like I said I am in so much pain daily I have no life with my kids for me or my wife . Before I did I wish none of this happened but now I am stuck and I am in a very bad spot , again if anyone could give me any kind of help that would be so greatful . Unfortunately like most of us chronic pain patients we are suffering from the people whom want to abuse and its putting us in a very bad spot . Thank you if anybody could help me out.

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I am on gabenpentin 600 mgs 3 xs a day and klotipin .5 mgs 3 xs a day and that helps for my spasms and at night if I dont have them it feels like a charlie horse or somebody pulling the muscle out from my skin cant stand sit have to rub it out and takes hrs for it to feel better

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The original opana worked fone when they switched to that new forulation it did not help at all see if you can try the generic oxymorphone it works just like the old opanas and on the right dosage ot is very effective...

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I was told that there's no Generic for Opana's by my Pharmacist. What would the Generic brand be called?

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So you are actually trying to say with bolts and rods in your back and pins in your thighs people abusing medication are making your Drs scared to prescribe pain medication? That is very hard to believe. The Dr. would have to be a quack to not give you proper meds with your stated injuries. You have documentation!

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My pain doc. is pretty upset with the company that make the new OxyContin (OP). They will not tell him what the new ingredients are and he refuses to prescribe anything that he does have full knowlege of. He switched me to the Opana ER. Today is my first day and I will post how it goes with me. He tried 60 mg. tabs but they don't have those so I was given 30's by the pharmacy. I am supposed to take 60 mg., but am starting slow with the 30. This is very powerful as I understand it. It is Oxymorphone E.R. , very similiar to hydromorphone I think. Like Vermon says, do not snort or shoot this stuff you may assume room temperature with no pulse! Please be casreful out there. God bless!

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I am currently on Oppana ER and IR and they are doing wonders for me. From everything I've read a 5mg Opana is equal to a 10 mg Oxycontin. I like you Bohica am 40 and have had multiple back surgeries and even have a spinal cord stimulation systen for degenerative disk disease with nerve damage. So I understand your situation. It's really a crap shoot finding the right combination to help with pain but I got lucky with the Opana. I'm lso taking 2700 mg of gabapentin a day, which is the most allowed. Gabapentin is a nerve blocker but not a narcotic. I wish you the best Bohica.

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I just went from Oxy20 Ocs twice a day to Opana IR 10's. I don't like the IRs because I'd rather have something that lasts a while when I have to work on my feet all day. It's for back pain, and my question is, now that I'm on Opana, do I have to worry about withdrawls from Oxy, or will the Opana cancel them out? I think it's a good question that others may have. thanks.

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The Oxy OP vs. OC is individual. For some they do not work at all, others the onset time is much longer, for me about 20-30% less effective, which is a pretty big drop in pain relief, plus I find they cause much more constipation problems than before. Frankly I think they are putting some form of plastic, resin, or polymer in them which worries me. Of course the others like Opana and Exalgo have garbage in them too, some glue or plastic material and I am pretty sure the Exalgo has naxalone (Narcan) is it which is an opiate antagonist. It renders the opiate ineffective by displacing them from the nerve receptor sites, if released by crushing or trying to defeat the safety mechanism. It can cause rapid withdraws, very ugly feeling! I think they are going to do this with most long acting meds. and I sure hope not with the breakthroughs. So try to make the regular hydromorphone (Dilaudid) a larger part of your medications to combat pain. Yes, they are quick acting/shorter duration, but they are cheap, have a lot less garbage in them and work very well for most folks. I work a backwards ratio where I use the hydromorhone for my base pain and use the long acting only at night so I can sleep a full 6-8 hrs. Overall it is cheaper, works well, yes a hassle for some, but may work better for most I think. Also even though insurance may pay for your meds. we do really end up paying for them indirectly and in some way. The insurance, even work comp. affects you at some point. Me, I try to save everyone money wherever I can. Be good and take care. Have a bountiful New Year in 2011!

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HA HA Florida isn't the only state that people go to doctors to get pills and sell them. That happens in every state. LMFAO!!!

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Dr Abraham, I am currently being prescribed Suboxone Film and then 1 and 1/2 hrs later I take 20mg Opana. I did not believe this would work and I have been disabled and battling severe pain for over ten years. This combination actually works and I don't understand how. Can you help explain this?

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You are compleatly wrong on both comments.

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My sons best friend (early 20's) died 3-11-11 in his sleep from snoting less than a one inch line of this drug. PLEASE KEEP THIS MEDICATION OFF THE STREETS UNLESS YOU WANT THE BLOOD OF OTHERS ON YOUR HANDS! God see's ALL!

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