Opana 40mg Vs Oxycontin Op 80mg (Page 12)


my Dr prescribed Opana 40mg as alternative to Oxy 80 mg 2 twice a day which I would insufflate - I didn't tell him this of course. he claimed them to be just as good if not stronger can any one share about opana 40mg

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Hang in there. I am a dr that had to drop out of my residency due to increasing chronic pain- "no one has posterior defects in their hip joint, only lateral defects occur, & while ur cervical & lumbar discs are mysteriously, rapidly degenerating, there's no way its associated to ur minimal hip dysplasia evident on xray - therefore ur pain has no physiologic basis. U cudn't have a labral tear in ur hip joint or u wudnt b able to walk, let alone work 80-100 hrs/wk. (sometimes 40 hr days of running around the hospital forcing the pain from ur mind so u can focus on ur patient's troponin levels). I quote "Either u r histrionic OR u have a major undiagnosed cancer ". Having no other "leads" on the etiology of my pain other than I was "histrionic" (at that point I was considering that my sanity very well might be in question- mayb on some level my brain wanted the drugs subconsciously? But I didnt want to believe their accusations that I had finally gotten thru med school & 3 out of 4 yrs of my residency to suddenly want to play 'the sick patient'' for secondary gain of attention & a buzz to escape my life's reality of the goal that I had been dreaming of & working for since I was 7yo.- I decided to believe in myself instead of the onslaught of lazy diagnosis given b/c my pain did not "fit" into the regular categories, & drs assumptions that my pain couldnt be as bad as I was saying it was b/c I was calmly describing it, working equivilant of 2+ full time jobs & 3 kids w/out writhing in pain & crying , & w/only a mild limp I cud hide most times when I wanted. I finally, found a dr to (reluctantly) operate on my "marginal hip dysplasia per xray" (4 ortho docs said I was 'too young'; 2 of the 4 flat out refused to operate on anyone who was taking meds for chronic pain, despite me saying I was only taking 100 mg tramadol 3-4 x/day; and 2 norco/day, advil 600mg 3x/ day, steroid injections q3 mos which allowed me to work the 80-100hrs/wk.) a dr's saying "If u operate on someone for pain, all u get is pain." when they got in there, they saw my posterior hip dysplasia was so bad it HAD severed my labrum, I ended up w them having to put in a totally new acetabulum & titaniul femoral head b/c I had a flat acetabulum & a femoral head shaped into an impossible flat, sqaurish ax shape instead of a ball. Be's taking my case to the international ortho conference to prive there IS posterior hip dysplasia.
YOU know what's inside ur head. If a doctor can be treated w such lazy diagnosis, anyone can.
Believe in urself! My delay in getting the surgery destroyed about 8 discs that cud have been saved had I had the surgery when I first complained of pain. If this dr doesnt believe u, go to another pain dr. U will eventually find someone who believes in u too!

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Opana ER only comes that way...It works better for me since I went up to 30 mg tablets! I find that I need breakthrough medication at about 7 hours! I take 2 10/325 mg of Percocet and 4 hours later I take another Opana ER! I prefer the Percocet but its only a fast acting narcotic and I don't like all that Tylenol on my Liver, so that is why I started taking the Opana Er...the only thing I find wrong with the drug, is that its harder for me to void taking this drug! I just recently saw my very first pain doctor and I am NOT going back, what a quack! To top it off he is a PA which I have met many that were smarter than the Dr. but not in this case..He is telling me that Opioids don't help with pain? "HELLO IDIOT" yes it does! He never looked me in the face and wouldn't allow me to talk...he did all the talking! His eyes were so blood shot, I figured he was strung out on an Opioid! LOL I just wish there was something as strong as Percocet that lasted longer than 3-4 hours for the breakthrough pain..I have built a tolerance to the Percocet I have been taking them for 3 years now!

What is higher than Percocet?

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Katrina, I went from oxy 80's 4x a day to 4 opana 40mg er a day and I did just fine, what your suggesting would be waaayyyy to much opana, you have to realize that an opana 40 er is equivalent to a oxy 80. Google it and check it out, I would just ask for perc 30's for breakthrough pain and you should be ok, opanas rock, I know they made my quality of life a lot better, I'm not saying I don't have my bad days, but a lot less often since I went on the opana. Hope this helps:)

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Now with endo (the makers of opanas) f-ING up and mixing wrong medications in wrong bottles, now us here in ct are temporarilly having to go on something else because they have recalled it and taken it off the shelves, I have gone to their website and they are saying that just the opana er is the only medication that there is nothing comparable, so I have a Dr appt. On Fri, and I'm s***ting bricks because I take 6 40mg ers a day, and I'm nervous about having withdrawl type symptoms, and nevermind the pain that I feel on a daily baisis, does anyone know if this is happening in ny, or mass? And know if there is anything else that really is comparable, that I can ask my Dr for until endo figures this crap out? Oh yeah and they have known about it since 2009 and just decided to do something about it, makes no sense!!!!!

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I am a layman, albeit one with lifelong chronic pain due to childhood Legg Calve Perthes disease. I would like to speak with you regarding your flattened femoral head and acetabular hijinx.

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You could go right to the manufacturer's webpage that makes the opana, which is endo.com and you'll get all the info on all the doses you need.

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What would you like to know?
Congenital hip dysplasia can be missed at birth. Later in life, when additional stressors shift the balance of ur weight from ur muscles to ur tendons & joints, ie: deconditioning, weight gain, or injury, you begin to manifest the symptoms of the underlying hip dysplasia. B/c my rt hip was 2 " lower than my left, it torqued my spine & I began to get deterioration of the discs & osteoarthritis of first the left lumbar, then the left cervical, & now L2. It took 5 yrs to diagnose. They kept looking at MRIs, but what they needed to look at was plain films in frog position, etc. i suggest if u have this, or think u do, find an orthopedist dr that specializes in adult manifesting congenital hip dysplasia. Its kind of a niche, and other ortho docs shy away from diagnosis.

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you wont be sniffing them much longer, they are coating them like they did the oxc"s
so again the sniffers will be out of luck. I used to take ocy"s and when they coated them they made me sick as all get out. I changed to opanas 40 mg and they helped me a lot, now im wondering if the coating will again make me sick, if they do what do i do and what other pill cand i take?

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Dr Mom says "find an orthopedist dr that specializes in adult manifesting congenital hip dysplasia. Its kind of a niche, and other ortho docs shy away from diagnosis." How do I do that? I can search for and find docs that specialize in hips, but anything more specific than that...how?

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Finally an intelligent person. There are so many morons naive people and wannabe druggies its hard tofind helpful info. Everything you said is on money doctors should read this as well as newby patients

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As of Feb 2012 Opana cannot be filled at any pharmacy because the drug manufacturer is in the process of changing the formula...my pharmacist told me yesterday that it should be any day now. I tried to fill my monthly supply yesterday March 8, 2012 and they still aren't available..I am hoping they come in soon, I only have 2 weeks supply left and this is the Drug of choice for me! Its amazing how much it helps my chronic pain and my spinal stenosis, and it DOES help with Fibromyalgia too, no matter what some of the doctors are telling you! Some are saying Narcotics don't work with Fibromyalgia...what do they know? Ask a patient who suffers from a very severe case of Fibro, I will tell them they are full of crap!!

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I just filled my Opana prescription at a Walgreens on 3/8/2012 so they are available

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I don't know about NY or MA but I do know that you can use almost any opiate painkiller such as oxycontin, dilaudid, ms contin, etc, to prevent going into withdrawal while you try to find your preferable meds. I don't know if they will be as helpful for your pain but they will prevent the withdrawal from Opana. Hope this helps.

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Thanks, but your pharmacy might not have been out of stock like mine was!

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Its people like you that sniff these pills [opana and oxcycontin] that screw it up for people like me who take it the way we should, now they are coating the opanas like they did the oxcys, WHAT do you do now ? when i took the oxcys that where coated they made me sick and did not take the pain away like they did. So sniffer what do you think we should do now ? Please let me know......................

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I know that according to my doctor a 40mg Opana is supposed to be the same strength as an 80mg Oxycontin but, is it just me, they do not seem to be near as effective as the oxycontins and they dont last near as long. Does anyone else have this problem?

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Who are you speaking to? I do not chew, sniff, or injest my pain meds in any way but as prescribed. I just dont find the Opana to be as effective.

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What state are you in if you mind me asking? And is the new formula just as good as the old? I'm in CT and we still don't have any all the pharmacy's are still on back order, but I did talk to endo today and they did say that they have been made and shipped to the distributors so I'm crossing my fingers they get here soon, because these oxycontins are making me sick, and have horrible headaches.

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OH god not me its the other way around for me, the doctor put me on six 80mg oxys a day when the opanas dried up and I was taking six 40mg opana er a day and I'm just not getting any relief from the oxys they take forever to kick in and they don't last nearly as long, plus I'm getting horrible side effects. I can't wait to have my opana back.

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oxymorphone is way stronger than oxycotin be careful dont take 80 mg of Opana just cause ur use to 80mg of OP.

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