Opana 40mg Generic They Are Orange With The Number 674 On Them


I just typed a very long message about being on 120 mgs of methadone and four 30'mg roxies a day for a year and my dr got fired ,,and they cut me in half 2 mothes ago ,1) quesion about this site I spent over 30 minutes typing a message that would of helped a lot of people because I just switched today to 2 ,40mg er Opanas ,I just got new health insurance so I can stop taking the methadone ,I used to get 360 tabs for $90 a month that was 12 10mg tabs a day 40mg 3 x a day,that is = to 600mg of oxicotin so that wold of been 7 or 8 80's a day which my insurance only cover 90 tabs of both med 40 opanas er or 80mg Oxicotin, my insurance company said they could be filled every 23 days so they would cover 4 tabs a day ,I am not sure that 2 of these 40 mg opana's er and I also got cut back on my irs from 4 ,30 mg Roxies to 4 ,15 mg roxies ,the Dr wasnt sure if I could go off my new dose of 60 mg of methdone that started 2 months ago from 120 mg ,ever 40 mg of methadone = 200mg of Oxicotin so I was down to 60 mg so that would be like 300 mg of Oxies I have read my ,,Question on these opanas I never have taken them until today I took my 2 40s and my 4 15s but methadone remains in your system a long time I am a little worried that with all this cutting back after a year of being on all those high doses of meds I also was prescribed 120 ,8 mg diladid 120 ,30 mg roxies and the 360 ,10 mg methadone all got cut down 2 months ago when the Dr I been seeing for 12 moths got fired and cut all my meds over 50% 2 months ago and totally got rid of the 120 ,8mg diladid ,,I never wanted to be on Methadone,but I ,did not have any health insurance at the time ,so my new plan covers all generics at $10 ,brand name that dont have a generic is $40 and $60 if you want the brand if they have a generic alternative ,,I figured out I should of got I tab 3x a day of my new med Opana 40 er ,,I not sure if I made the right decision because the 80mg Oxies are about = to a 40 mg

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I have been on 40 mg. Oxycontin 3 x/day for years. When the new formula came out it didn’t work well, gave me stomach aches,etc.
I think my doctor would be agreeable in changing me to Opana ER.
My question is if anyone thinks the Opana would work better. (I tried Morphine sulfate a few months ago-it made me really sick. I’m worried to keep asking my doctor to change meds- that’s why i really want some info on Opana before i talk to my doc.)
Thank you very much in advance!

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Based on my research, both Oxycontin and Opana are semi-synthetic Morphine derivatives. Therefore, if you have a reaction to Morphine and Oxycontin then you may also experience similar issues with Opana. The only real way to know how it will effect you is to try it. You may consider asking your doctor for a sample if possible, and if you're willing to risk having a reaction to it.

When it comes to changing medications, you shouldn't worry about speaking with your doctor because if something isn't working for you it's his/her job to find you something that does!

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Opana Details

Please post back if you have any more questions, I hope this helps!

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Thanks so much Jenna. Especially for the support in talking to my doctor! I’m always worried that doctors are taking my questions as “drug seeking behaviors”. But you are right, my doctor knows me well and he’ll probably be fine discussing this.
Thanks again!

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It seems you need rehab, taking oxy and other pain meds defeats the purpose on methadone, the methadone alone is sufficient enough for pain management and dependency issues (which it seems you have) you would be surprised how much your body can work if you taper off some medications. If you have "drug seeking behavior" as a worry from a doctor it is already happening, most pain management patients don't have such worry when talking to their doctors, with your knowledge of so many high mg meds and equivalency shows drug seeking behavior. Remember with high tolerance you risk a chance of death when stopping cold turkey which a doctor will do once he catches on.

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Obviously you are not in pain and if you were you would of not left a reply of that sort so not all ppl are pill seekers if there something that works better for them for there pain who are you to judge.geez u ppl with that kinda of thinking make me sick.there are ppl in this would that are in geniune pain not just seeking a high.

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I agree the rn was out of line. Being knowledgeable on what meds you take doesn't mean drug seeking behavior. That's the reason. Why all pain management patients are judged and seen as addicts because the medication alone is addictive so they assume your addicted. Being physicallydependent and aaddicted is two different things. Of course your dependent & have high tolerance but addiction nobody can say that from reading your post. Shame on her the rn

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Your new insurance should cover your methadone also but the doc must write for pain PRN on them or X tablet X times a day for pain in order for them to cover it. I know your suffering as I was cut from Kadian 40mg 3 times a day and 30mg Oxycodone at 8 per day for breakthrough which worked great to Opana ER 40mg a day and Opana IR 10mg at 4 X's a day and I not only went though severe withdrawl for a week after two days off the morphine sulfate capsules & 180-240mg's of Oxycodone per day to this. If you do the MME morphine milligrams Equivalent per day, I was on 800 MME's daily to now 240 MME's per day. Guess the docs are worried more about the CDC guidelines for PCP's then they are the patient they've treated for years. I'm in search of a new PM doctor that tells the truth as mine started writing he examines me from 2/2016 which he's not done in 2 years or more, and when he informed me of the 2LA and 4IR's per day in 90 days, so it's a one size fits all now" I asked him? He said his hands are tied as the hospital he works for said so. I don't believe that as if he's a PM specialty he wouldn't be so worried about it. Even President Obama refused to sign in the end of February 2016 how much a doctor could write for and what dose, so he's lying and I'm going to find out why through patient advocate & possibly contact an attorney as I feel like I'm being discriminated against for having someone that lived with me steal my meds and when I informed him in the beginning of February as I had proof as they were caught on camera, the next visit I was told about the CDC guidelines. I've been in PM for over 20 years and now I had to take a leave of absence in the medical field for over 37 years because of the withdrawal and the pain is excruciating even with the Opana ER 40 BID and Opana IR 10mg 4 X's a day. I even asked for 2 of something little like Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) or 2 30 mg Oxycodone IR's or give me 6 a day of the breakthrough as I was on 12 but cut myself in the 90 days to 8 a day. I was also given two different doses 15mg and 30 mg's so I could chose which to take as one always starts with the lowest and gave back whatever I had at the end of every month. Yes I can fill every 21 days also with my insurance but if I do that now he's writing I fill 1 week early in my notes all since informing him that one who stayed with me and saw him also was stealing from me for months and now I had proof. In all those months I never ran short as he gave me 210 of the 15mg Oxycodone & 360 of the 30mgs so I could chose. I always ran out of the 15's but had over 100 of the 30's left even with them stealing around 100 a month of both my breakthrough meds, yet no proof doesn't help. Now I had the proof, they moved out the very day caught on camera, I tell him next visit and then I have 90 days to go from 800 MME's to 240 MME's. I lowered myself gradually and was in pain but never did I expect him to go that low, it's unethical and now some of my records are edited in the portal and some missing completely. Go figure you tell the truth & look what it gets you. However, I believe this person called and said something about me and he believed them over me who's been with him for many, many years and all they got was 180 of the 30mg Oxycodones never a LA med as they never did MRI's or inj's. as requested and I do even though they don't work I still do. I also pay 500.00 for every inj. between his bill and the hospitals bill at 10% coinsurance. Anyway the generics are out but they don't work as the old generics did as I had the 30mgs Opana generics before and they worked better but I still had my Oxycodones to take when needed again 2 different strengths so I didn't have to take 2-30mgs and now I'm hurting & lost my job as he wont even give me 2 extras or put me back on my Oxycodone at one strength at 6 a day, so I feel your pain.

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Who was your doctor ? Where are you from ? And why did they cut your prescription in half ?

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