Opana 40 Mg And Oxycodone 30


I am on both of these meds do to severe medical issues. I take 40 Mg of opana 4 x daily and 30 Mg of oxycodone 5 x daily as well as Nortriptyline 150 Mg twice daily and neurontin 600 Mg 3 x daily. Needless to say a few different stomach medication due to chronic nausea. Oh and also phenergan pills and injectable. My question is has anyone found anything other than multiple medications to relieve severe chronic pain.

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I also have severe medical problems and nothing works. For two years was on 3Mg iv dilaudid every three hours and 120 percocet 10/325 every month. Zofran for nausea. Overdosed a couple months ago (imagine that) and been dropped four 5/325 percocet a day and now in constant pain... Not sure how to adjust.

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Have either of you ever tried the Fentanyl patch?

It's a very potent narcotic and each patch is worn for 3 days.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

It is an option you may want to discuss with your doctor.

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Hey please where's ur doc? I'm from ny and my back is in server pain. I've been on workers comp for year and half and had to settle since the doc wouldn't see me since I had open workers comp case. I'm in legit pain and I was prescibd 180 oxycodone 30 mg and now since I wasn't there for two months but I was still on my script he only gave me 90. now and I ask him for more since I ran out and he told me he can't so idk what to do. please message me if possible {edited for privacy}

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Regarding your nausea, it helps me to have cinnamon hard candy on hand. Believe it or not that candy has helped more than any meds!

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I am worried about taking Norco 10/325 4 times a day and you guys are taking one hell of a lot more than I am

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