Ofloxacin And Ornidazole Syrup For 10 Month Old Baby (Top voted first)


My child is 10 months old and has had loose motions for 2 days, twice a day. May i give my child powergyl syrup? It contains ofloxacin-50mg and ornidazole-125mg/5ml.

3 Replies

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My baby is 10 months old. He is passing loose motion 6 times per day. Can I give him ornidazole?

Was this helpful? 60

My baby is 1m29days loose motion for 2days 4 to 6 times/ day suggest medicine With dose?

Was this helpful? 65

Can I give ofloxacin oral suspension medicine to my 10-month-old baby? He is suffering from a cold and cough.

Was this helpful? 13

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