Number Or # (Top voted first)


When transcribing how many pills a doctor prescribed (eg. 20 pills of aspirin), he says "number 20". Do I write out "number" or do I use the # symbol.

2 Replies

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I hope you end up making the right decision. Ash is right about there being many downfalls to forging a prescription. From what I've read, most states do considered it a felony if you write a fake prescription or if you try to modify one in any kind of way. Not only are you subject to being fined tens of thousands of dollars, but you'd also have to look forward to "at least" a year of jail time.

I'd also keep in mind that most pharmacists are highly trained to catch people who try to attempt this. Apparently the penalties can be just as worse for them if they don't catch you, and are later discovered through investigation. So you can bet they are always keeping an eye out for those types of acts.

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Well seeing as how this is a federal felony, under DEA supervision, you'd probably want to reconsider writing yourself a prescription...duh.

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