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I was diagnosed heavy inflammation by my pcp latter cidp by a neurologist. The pcp put me first on lortab took me off and put me on Norco right before I went to the neurologist for a second opinion. The neurologist left me on the Norco. Any advice on which brand or type of 10/325. Norco works best?

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Hello, Pat! How are you?

It really depends on you and which one works best for you. Norco and Lortab are the same, they both contain Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen.

This is listed by the FDA as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Has the one you've been receiving from your pharmacy worked well for you?

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I would get constipated at first on any of the drugs they tried but as my system got use to it the constipation would go way. At first with the norco it was a generic the oblong pill was yellow nd manufactured by watson. I noticed it did not work quite as well as the lortab. After a few months the pharmistis switched me to a white oblong norco and I noticed it did not work as well plus I started getting constipated again. Had a talk with him about the change, told me he thought it was in my head, but started getting me the yellow watson again. It may have been in my head but the yellow watson agreed with me and worked better. Then in Dec. he gave me the white ones again, I took them for a month same as before. Again I complained and he said he could not get the generic watson anymore. My lortab was pink but they seem to work best but they want me on the norco.

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When you take a rx to the phamacy and it is for Norco, Lortab or Vicodin and it is for generic, you are given the same thing for all of them. All 3 are hydrocodone and acetaminphen. The pharmacy gives you the generic they have on hand. So it makes no difference what the brand name is that the dr wrote on the rx. If you still have the bottles, long on the bottle that the one that worked the best came in. The name of the manufacturer is on the bottle in small print. THe next time you get a rx filled asked the pharmacist Before you get it filled if they have that med from the manufactrer that was on the bottle. If they don't, you should be able to find the one you prefer by going to another pharmacy.

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