Novelon And Ovarian Cysts (Top voted first)


What is the effect of Novelon tablets in the treatment of ovarian cycts and what are the percentage of the side effects occuring in any patient.

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Hi, Actually I have cyst(3.5cm) in right ovary, doctor told me to use Novelon tablets for 21days and again same next cycle also. after that she will take scan and check. Is it correct using Novelon ? Also we are planning for a baby, but in that case we shoud not use this Novelon.... What is the another process to treat the cyst. Today only I started taking Novelon. 1st tablet taken today.

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I am 22 yrs old unmarried. 2 yrs ago I took noveleon tablets to cure my cyst. Now I have the same problem. I only have my periods every 3 months. My stomach looks like the cyst formed again. What should I do? Take the same medicine? Will it cause cancer? Pls explain?

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I am diagnosed with polycystic ovaries since March 2017. Then doctor prescribed me to take dronis 20. Den I got regular periods in every 28days.. but it lasted for only 3months.. den again I got irregular periods. Sometimes in every 15days lasting more than 7-8days.. then in July I again consulted mu doctor. She changed my medicine and prescribed novelon. Since then I was using novelon and periods again started regularly in 28days interval. Tomorrow means 26septemner is my next date for periods.. on 22september I had taken last tablet. Now I'll not take any more medicine..but I doubt if my cysts have been cured or not..

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I am 34 yrs old and unmarried..took novelon tablet from two days for left ovarian cyst.
For more bleeding after 5th day of my menstrual cycles period.

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If novelon is taken for 15+ days to treat ovarian cyst, only except the 4 days around ovulation, can I conceive in that cycle?

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I hv 10.34 fsh and 1.34 amh n plng fr ivf. But on day 2 doc said one cyst is visible so put me on novelon n primolut. So this ivf cycle gt cancelled. Any luck fr me to undergo ivf after tkng medicine ??

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Patient has right ovarion cyst of about 40/42 mm in size and presently using NOVELON for 21 days . Whether it's completely curable and free from any worry of revival or not . Patient is 16 yrs old and normal menstruation .

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Is it advisable to have unprotected intercourse while taking Novelon tablets?

I am taking it for an ovarian cyst.

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Re: Misbah (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Plz tell novelon tablet for unmarried women to in take to clear cyst is it right treatment to take tablet..?? Plz reply

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I am diagnosed cyst in my left overy (3.4cm). my doctor advised Novelon for 21 days and to repeat it. Can you explain how Novelon works against cyst?

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Can novelon cure endromatrosis doctor suggested me

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Novelon (desogestrel + ethinylestradiol) is an oral contraceptive, otherwise known as birth control. So unless there's some off-label uses that aren't well known, I don't fully understand the basis in which it was prescribed for ovarian cysts. One article I read mentioned that oral contraceptives significantly reduce your risk of ovarian cancer, but you may still want to double check with your Dr. directly just to be clear on why he/she prescribed it.

Also, I haven't found any specific details on the percentage of people that experience side effects... but I think this is something that is unique to each and every individual taking Novelon and may not be calculable on any conclusive level; since not everyone who takes Novelon reports whether or not they even have side effects.


Have you considered looking into any natural or herbal ways to treat ovarian cysts?


Irregular or skipped menstrual cycles are a normal side effect of any hormonal contraceptive; although not everyone who takes these types of medications experiences it. This is just a result of your hormones fluctuating, so you probably don't need to worry about it, unless you think you're pregnant.

I hope this helps!

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Actually after using of novelone tablets of 21days it can cure after that I may b pregnant plz if u don't reply for this question

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Is it normal to not have periods after 21 days of novelon use? by when will periods happen??

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