Norspan To Fentanyl Patch
ive been on a norspan patch (15mg) for some months. methadone tablets before that for some yrs post lower back fusion, S1-L5 in 2003.
the norspan patch has not covered the pain control so my specialist ordered an MRI and now I have a protruding disc at L4. this was to be expected I was told due to the extra workload on my lower back.
I have been given the fentanyl patch and told that it will be increasing next visit but I was not told to just stop the norspan or ween off slowly?
Due to constant itching on the norspan Im coming off at 5mg/week anyway but not sure if now I should just take patch off and be done with it?
I do not want to if possible go thru to many withdrawal symptoms?
Thanks for any answers
12 Replies
I am in a similar situation. Have been taking norspan 20mg for over 12 months. Had 2nd fusion of l5/s1 and diagnosed with sacroiliitis. In Alot of pain. Norspan not helping anymore. I was changed to durogesic 12mg last week and have had Alot of side effects or withdrawal??? How dud you go in the end? Or anyone else who has made the swap. Do I persevere or stick with norspan?
Hi i am on the Fentanyl 75 mic patch every 3 days but you will find that they dont hold on like the Norspan patch does it will let water in while showering wrinkly up and cause redness where patch is and ive rang the company and they said its so common and try putting tape over the patch with causes more redness .
I taking 5ml Norspan and have been for about 4 weeks but am finding my whole body is itching especially at night therefore am not getting much sleep - should I take it off and forget about it and will there be any side effects if I do - it is the best I have had to control my pain but I can't stand the itching!!
I started on Norspan 5mg for a few weeks with little to no effect with pain, the patch site was constantly itchy & left marks/blisters when I changed (thought it was the gum on the patch but is actually the ingredients in the norspan). Changed to the 10mg tried to keep the patches hidden (people thought I was on nicotine patches) 2nd patch the itch was unbearable when I finally removed it my skin was oozing clear liquid, had an allergic reaction on my skin 4x the size of the patch, found moving the patch every 3 days helped but left something like a red blistery burn, I put derm-aid cream on the site. After a few days turns to a scabby white colour then red.(not pretty) Lasts around 2-3 weeks after removal from that site.I persevered for 2 months but had started break thru pain & Dr decided to try Durogesic 12mg, am a little cautious of the side effects Ive read here both from stopping norspan & starting Durogesic. Altho I am happy to change the patches every 3 days opposed to 7.
I use a bioclusive patch by Johnson and Johnson over the duragisic patch.The makers of the Duragesic patch used to give them out for free, so I have a lot stocked up. But maybe your doctor could prescribe a box for you, it really makes a difference.
Any of the bupe type drugs attach themselves to the opioid receptors in hopes of blocking them. In a transitional period from norspan to fentanyl I would wait at least 24 hours from removing the norspan to placing the fentanyl. I say this because in can result in one of two action 1. Being because of the blocker already on the opiod receptors from the norspan it would be a waste of the fentanyl. 2. Being it could render each other useless and send you into immedeate withdrawal. I'm not exactly positive on this but I have done quite a bit of research on pain medications a bupenephrine. So this is a hypothesis.
Hi, I am currently on the Norspan patch 20mg and like you it doesn't cover all my pain but what I have found a great deal of relief with is the Voltaren suppository I know a lot of people don't like the idea of suppository's but the relief you get with them is amazing. Good luck in finding some pain relief.
p.s. I do also take other pain meds if you are interested.
I have been on Norspan 10 patches for 8 weeks due to a crush fracture spine injury. They never did completely cover the pain but for the last 2 weeks had little affect at all.
As I was experiencing breathing problems, unsteadiness and itching my doctor told me to simply stop using them so I removed it. Today I feel I am having withdrawal symptoms, increased pain, breathing problems (Asthma) and generally feel unwell. How long will this last
Hi! Do you need a prescription for norspan? What other pain tablets did you take? I am on epleptin andvgo on a stronger dosis but did not help. Thanks
There is a steroid spray named flixotide that if you spray on your skin before applying the patch, creates a barrier, which can reduce reactions to the skin. Recommended by my pain management specialist.
Whatever you do don't just stop, I did this a few days ago and went through hell for the same reason, went back to doctors today and got back on Durogesic, in which I never had problem.
I was on Nospan 20's and I have started on 50's Durogesic.
Go back to your doctor and tell them what you want and need
I discovered that changing the location of patch each week helped to stop skin irritation. Do not use same location for 3 weeks.
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