Norco Or Percocet (Top voted first)
Updatedhi, ive been on Norco 10/325 for about two years now and my pain on a scale of 1-10 is a 10, what could I take that is stronger, ive thought about Percocet for a while but not sure. thanks nona
6 Replies
Hi nona,
Sorry to hear about the challenges you're having with pain management. A few other options that come to mind as far as being something potentially stronger than Norco, are those names listed below:
Hydromorphone (Opana)
Although medications like percocet or percodan may be similar in potency to norco, the fact of the matter is that each type of drug can, and often does effect each personal differently (largely influenced by one's individual tolerance and body chemistry). So no matter which medication you end up going with, there's no real way of knowing how well you'll end up responding to it ahead of time. I would just recommend asking your doctor first, if percocet is right for you, based on your current tolerance to opiates. That's probably going to be your safest bet for getting the most appropriate medication.
I hope this helps!
Tears stream from my eyes and I'm at my wits end, suffering for years with severe back pain taking Lorcet 10/650. I had surgery on the 15th of May and went back to work too soon and fell and I am right back to the severe pain. OMG how can I endure again. My surgeon refuses to give me anything for pain stating I need to learn to live with it. How!? I live alone and have to maintain my home. I'm only 4 years from paying it off and I can't work with this pain. If I lose my job, I will lose everything that I have worked so hard for. How do you find a doctor that will help. There seems to be a movement with doctors against prescribing pain medication. Their lack of humanity and compassion is appalling. I am grasping at straws trying to find some guidance on the internet. I reside in Missouri
Why are you taking these Pain Meds? What is causing you to hurt to 10+? What part of your body hurts and...what kind of Medical Treatment Are You On?
I feel for you! Go to a pain management Dr. But be warned...,you will become addicted even if careful! Try alternatives first...,if you take opiates your house will be paid off but your life may be ruined. Try ssd, start now it took me 4 yrs for dissability in MI. God bless.
Try to get your GP to give you a referral to a pain management Dr. They are much better at taking care of patients with lots of pain. They are not afraid to prescrib narcotics for pain.
I have been on Norco for about 8 yrs due to chronic pain including..degenerating disc, bone spurs, herniated disk in lower lumbar and constant migraines. Ladt month my Dr maxed me out on Norco and I feel like I'm constantly chasing the pain trying to get my doeses right and figuring out if its just that I've been on Norco fo to long. My question is percocet a longer lasting pain relief than Norco so I'm not taking so many pills and I can stop chasing my pain I am so tired and frusturated with it all and need relief some relief from the pain.
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