Norco 10325


long white tablet with split in middle. on other side numbers ,m363

5 Replies

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How do I taper of Norco, I just want to see what my baseline pain is. I am taking 3-5 per day every 4-6 hours. Any suggestions and what are the withdrawl symptoms I can espect?

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M363 contains 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, this is a generic for Norco or Vicodin, a narcotic analgesic.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

You can read more here:


Jules, have you consulted your doctor on this? this site is not medical professionals and only your doctor could provide you with the best advice on this, the taper schedule and possible withdrawal effects will vary according to how long you've been on it and how much you've been taking.

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I have talked to my dr. he says to cut 1/2 pill per day for a week until off. I went off of my fentinyl patch a month ago from 25mcg to nothing and had really uncomfortable w/d symptoms that lasted a week but i was still taking the norco. I am just really scared to go through w/d with nothing to heip.

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white oblong with split in middle other side p110

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WHICH NORCO IS BETTER, yellow / white HYDRO/APAP 10-325tabs or the white?

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