Non Opiates Medicacions (Top voted first)


I am having surgery of my shoulder and cannot take any pain med that has opiates. But it has to be strong enough to kill the pain. If you can send me a list of them, I will appreciated.

4 Replies

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What has your doctor advised you to use?

There are some options available, but you aren't really going to find any that are as strong and effective as opiates.

There the NSAIDs:


And then there is a medication such as Tramadol, but I am not sure if you can take that, since it is opiate related:


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Tramadol takes a week or so to start being effective. NSAIDS taken at large dose level will first rip out your digestive system and may result in renal failure.

On average there are about 1000 more deaths per year from NSAIDS than opiates.

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If your doctor is telling to not to take opiates prior to the surgery, he would be wrong. It is NSAIDs that you should not take before any surgery. They thin the blood, and have the dangers already stated.

Sounds to me you need to fire your doctor. You may have one of the Old God Doctors. Still quite a few around. Only difference between them and God is they have not yet ascended to heaven. I fired a few like that during guardianships.

You likely don't know what a legal power a court appointed guardian has. But neither do most doctors.

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Tramadol. I had 5 court appointed guardianships during my 14 years as a volunteer guardian. Four of my wards were elderly ladies. All were on Tramadol, but all had to take opiates (hydrocodone) because the Tramadol did nothing but make them very nervous.

You want pain relief. Opiates are the answer. There are many variations. Just keep in mind that if you go on them, do it ONLY for the tenure you actually need them. They are very addictive and a horror to get off of.

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