No Period With Metronidazole - Possibly Pregnant
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I recently went to the clinic for a check up and I was diagnosed with BV. The doctor prescribed me Metronidazole to take for a week. I finished taking them and I was due for my period 2 days ago and I still haven't started. I'm not sure if it is the cause of the antibiotics or if I'm pregnant. I'm not on any birth control and my husband and I don't use contraceptives during intimacy. I don't have any symptoms of pregnancy besides mood swings and fatigue. My body doesn't really feel like it is going through any changes besides my period being late. I'm just curious on how I should approach the situation.
10 Replies
I took 24 tablate of fragly after finding out that I'm one week pregnant but I can't see my periods. Does it mean I am still pregnant or what?
Re: Daniella (# 8)
I webt to the Dr. she diagnosed me with amenorrhea and said that my period shoukd return m
Re: Maria (# 7)
I believe it's the medication too. If my period doesn't show by the 31st im going to call my doctor and hopefully I can get some answers.
Re: Daniella (# 6)
Im experiencing this exact same thing im 11 days late on my cycle breast are sure which usually starts about a week before my cycle i've taken 6 home pregnancy test that are all negative and also went i to the clinic today test still negative has to be this medication
I was diagnosed with a vaginal bacterial infection on 5/4/18 and I was prescribed metronidazole 500mg 2 a day for 7 days. My expected period was 5/20/18 but here it is 5/25 and still no period or just the same sore boobs I've had since 5/17 which is a normal pms symptom for me. I don't think I could be pregnant because my tubes are permanently blocked with essure coils. So is it the antibiotics that have delayed my period or should I take a pregnancy test to be sure it's not that? I've had essure for 5 yrs now and even though it's supposed to be 99% effective I have read that some women still end up pregnant.
Hello. I started my last period on August 15th, 2017. I went to the doctor on Aug 21st, 2017 to get my physical & a couple of tests. Later that day I also had unprotected intercourse. So I took a 'plan-b one step' immediately. Later in the week, I received my test results & it was positive. My doctor prescribed me metronidazole 500 mg... My next period was supposed to start Sept 11th, 2017 & today is Sept 14th. Do you think my cycle is late because of both medications or there is a possibility that I might be pregnant?Please help me.
So what did the doctor say? Are you pregnant? I am in the same boat, i took the metronidazole 400mg about 7 days ago, on the day i was suppose to get my flow, i was just spotting and brown discharge only and home pregnancy test is positive. Would love to here what your feedback from the doctor was.
My doctor prescribed me metronidazole I started on July 11 and the last day I took it was on July 17 my vaginosis bacteria still didn't go away so she gave me a higher dose so I started back on it July 26 & the last day I took was this August on 1st. I was suppose to get my period on July 16 I still don't have my period. I took at pregnancy test it came out negative but she told me if I don't get my period when I'm finish with medicine come back right away. So do you think it's the medicine ? Or I might be pregnant? I'm so scared.
I took pregnant test before i use fragyl i tested negetive then i took fragyl pills but the next morning i got my period the blood was Normal.what cause that period?
Hello, Renae! How are you? Has there been any change?
It's actually not medically considered a late period, until you go 7 days, or more, without starting, according to the NIH.
And yes, it may be due to the antibiotic, they are known to cause longer cycles, in some women, as reported by the FDA. If I have to take one, I always just expect mine to be late.
However yes, there is also a risk of pregnancy, so if you go past a week late, then you may want to have it checked out.
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