Nitrofurayoin Macrocryst (Top voted first)


zenith 2131

3 Replies

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Is this specific formulation gluten-free?

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Without knowing who manufactures the particular one you have, it is impossibly to say, because it can depend on the fillers they use. Was this filled at a pharmacy that knows you have an allergy to it?

This is an antibiotic, mostly used to treat urinary tract infections, but can also be used for other conditions as deemed appropriate by your doctor.

Some of the most common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and skin rash.

You can read more about this medication here:


Is there anything else I can help you with?

If you can check the manufacturer and post back, I will see what I can find out for you.

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The specific nitrofurantoin macro that I am wondering about is by zenith manufacturer; pink and white, says zenith 50mg and 2130.

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