Nise Tablet Side Effect (Top voted first)


what are the side effects of this drug

6 Replies

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I'm sorry, I can't find any information on a medication under this name.

Does anyone else know anything?

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Please let me know about the side effect of nise tablet

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Doc Prescribed me Nise yesterday for menstrual pain.... i got really bad water retention problem all over my face... this morning i got up with swollen face especially eyes.... not feeling the urge to pee even when I have had almost 5 glasses of water since morming and now tummy is bulged... feeling heavyness in body and lethargic...
What's this? IS this side effet or i have got another problem in the process of finding the cure for menstrual pain problem?

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what are the side effect of nise tablets

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i kinda got pimples like thins all over the body, is it happen due to NISE, please suggest me how to cure it ?

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Recent evaluations on the safety profile of nimesulide confirm that nimesulide has a favourable benefit/risk profile in the approved indications.
The overall safety profile of nimesulide is in line with that of all other NSAIDs.
As with all drugs, it must be used in the most appropriate way to guarantee its best therapeutic value

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