Newborn Son Has False Positive On Drug Test.for Cocaine (Top voted first)


i never used cocaine and my son just tested positive for cocaine in his maconium (sp?) the nurses are trying to tell me there is no way for this to be wrong they sent it for a second test but how can a newborn test positive for a drug me and him never used. he was born at 24 Weeks after i spent two Weeks in hospital on different meds and antibiotics what are possible reasons and meds that could have caused this? please help freaking out

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Antibotics creat false postives

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thank you yesterday the social worker came in and said she was wrong that it was one if the meds i was taking they don't know which one but it wasn't cocaine i never knew before that that was possible but its crazy how many people it happens to

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I have to agree that the number of medications responsible for causing false-positives are quite staggering, considering that they have the technology to identify the exact substances in question, but prefer to use cheaper methods for standard drug tests.

A gas chromatograph mass spectrometer has the ability to distinguish the exact substance in question. This type of testing is not initially performed because of cost, but, is often a follow-up option for those facing serious consequences such as a job loss or jail time. I think companies who don't use this method right off the bat are just too scared to spend a little extra money for the right results.

Hopefully this will change in time as they realize the statistics showing how many people this happens to on a daily basis. These false reports just put too much stress on patients who are simply taking their medications as prescribed.

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I took my grandson to visit his dad who is incarcerated and I tested positive for cocaine for the second time. I was refused entry after driving 4 hours with a 5 year old child.
I was taking antibiotics at the time and I also take a number od medications that are similar to cocaine Dexadrine for example. Where can I find out what other medications will do this.

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