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I started 100mg zoloft for 3 days then 100mg twice a day. Sees like too much for me. Its only been a week so can I just stop taking it safely?

2 Replies

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I would think that you should be fine since it's only been a week; however, I know everyone responds to these types of drugs differently, so I can't say for certain that you wont experience any withdrawal symptoms.

If you do feel the need to take it slower, usually for drugs like this the safest way to stop taking them is to tapper off them, if possible. Some medications can be taken in fractions (actually cut into pieces) and these smaller pieces can be taken in place of the regular dose for a period of several weeks until the body is no longer dependent upon them.

I hope this info helps!

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i stopped taking effexor 75mg on tuseday and started zoloft 100mg wensday i felt sick all day life the flue took 100 zoloft thursday and still feel sick i did throw up earlier
i really feel like im going through withdrawals from something i am also taking 50mg of trazidone i started this wensday to and have been on 1mg of clonopin prn for years what is going on

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