New To Cellcept (Top voted first)


I am starting cellcept tomorrow so that I can finally go off of imuran and eventually prednisone. Have been on many meds for 16 yrs after being diagnosed with dermatomyositis. Also have fibromyalgia...hope to hear from someone who has had success with this medication. The Doctor has a lot of positive things to say about this med including little or no side affects. Looking forward to hearing from you.

10 Replies

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I have pulmonary fibrosis & am starting cellcept now. I've been on lots of other meds but it just keeps getting worse. They took me off cytoxan after 6 months. That didnt stop it. I walk slow, but I get there...

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I've been on it for 1 1/2 yrs. It has almost put lupus in remission. I've been on imuran and IV cytoxan since 2001. It's a very good therapy.

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Better not start cellcept as it may result in Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) as it has happened to my daughter who was on treatment for SLE and who has changed her medicine from omnacortril to cellcept

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Sudarsan, this post was made over 2 years ago, so I am guessing they already made their decision.

Very sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter though.

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Sudarsan, I am incredibly sorry what happened to your daughter. I will take this information under advisement & speak with my immulogical dermatologist immediately. Thank you for taking the time to reply to this post. Thank goodness, thus far I have been off the imuran, although not the prednisone entirely and have had success. I will absolutely still check into this.

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cellcept has made a world of difference to me with my systemic lupus..i no longer drag an oxygen tank around and now I have a life! Side effects were GI in nature and I eventually tolerated quite well!

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Mary, I am so happy that you are getting relief! I was able to lower my 1500mgBID to 1000mg, then two months later to 500mg BID. Imagine only one Cellcept once a day instead of 3, heaven! Fingers crossed for next visit in July! It's been 23 years I was diagnosed with dermatomyositis. Also an autoimmune disease. There are still other meds I take, but Cellcept has been a Godsend together with my phenomenal Doctor that prescribed it. Now that is has gone generic, I was curious how you all felt about it? Hope it is EXACTLY the same. Continued good health to you all!

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I have taken Cellcept for over 2 years, At this time, I have been off of it for several months and have very little side effects from withdrawal. This drug has been a lifesaver for me and the only side effects that I had were minor GI...well worth the outcome. I am finally in remission with a severe case of SLE. The scoop that I hear is that some of the drug ins. Companies will not pay starting sept 1 09 unless you have actually had an organ transplant! Lupus and other auto inmmune dieseases are once again left in the cellar with this as we have had no new drugs in 50 years!

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Hello, I was on imuran for 16 years. I have systemic Lupus and myasthina gravis. I developed large B cell lymphoma cancer. Went through 6 months of chemo. I am now on the cellcept. Seems to be working even bet than the imuran. I was told years ago imuran could cause cancer. I am cancer free now. Good luck.

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Hi - I was on Imuran but developed horrible nausea. I have stopped that and the Dr suggested Cellcept. I am concerned that it will also cause nausea. Also, I am on antidepressants (Wellbutrin). Will there be an interaction?

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