New Insomnia Meds
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he took last night 60mg restoril only supposed to take 30mg. He also took 20mg zyprexa only supposed to take 5mg, He is also didnt take klonopin since he toook way too much last week and he was having brain zaps ears ringing and in a fog he felt paralyzed he fell down and dizzy. could that be from klonpin withdrawl or too much medications. he also takes 20mgnadolol and 50mg vistaril

3 Replies

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Jesus Christ, how did he not die? Is that his goal? That’s a ton of Resteril. Furthermore, abusing antipsychotics can cause psychosis. What are you even doing?

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It's important to always follow the prescribed dosages for any medication, as taking too much can lead to dangerous consequences.

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If he isn't taking them as prescribed, then it is difficult to say which one may have caused the symptoms he experienced, it could be due to withdrawal, or suddenly jumping to a higher dose of the others. Why is he taking them like this? He really needs to take them as prescribed, no more, no less.

The Klonopin can be very dangerous, if someone is taking too much of it, then suddenly stops. The withdrawal can create the risk of seizures.

How much is he taking of the Nadolol and Vistaril?

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