Nerve Up Od Tablets


for what usage is this medicine? and what is the composition.

4 Replies

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From our resources, Nervup OD is a multivitamin supplement.

It contains:

alpha lipoic acid 100 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, mecobalamin 1.5 mg, pyridoxine 3 mg


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Where can you get Nerve Up. I have nerve damage in my lower back and legs due to Spina Bifida, Tethered Spinal Cord and surgery to release my Spinal Cord. I was having pain in my lower back and legs before surgery but not the same type pain I am having now. I have had physical therapy, taken various medications, tried the TENS Unit, did trial on SCS, Caudal and Epidural Injections, etc. and nothing has worked so far. Any help would be appreciated.

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This medicine we have continu for long or we can stop in betwen. Please also advise if any side effects.

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I am having back pain and cervical pain. Througout the day I feel lethargic and feel stiffness in the body. My question is - do you think nerve up od will be useful. How long i can take this medicine. What are the side effects? If I have to stop in between then for how long I should stop and start again.

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