

what exactly is in this medication?

6 Replies

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i think neopercodan is nothiing more than 65mg/650 darvocett and is not the schedule 4 darvocett. It can be easily obtained in mexico and is made by a major drug company but is no way schedule 2 percodan.Please let me know if i am mistaking or someone knows exactly what it is. thanks

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NeoPercodan contains the same active ingredients as Darvocet, but not in the same amounts.

It contains 65mgs of Propoxyphene and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, this is a mild narcotic pain reliever.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

You can read more here:


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no more questions,the doctor in mexico used to give darvocett until 2007,then not much of anything until she offered last week.Before I even took I knew it couldnt be percocet so thought id ask. Thank you for taking time out of your day to answer. Randy

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thanks for the help!

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You are very welcome, always happy to help if I can!

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Why is neo-percodan not sold in the us?

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