Neeri Syrup (Top voted first)


information of neeri syrups?

3 Replies

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I am taking neeri syrup for stone problem Please guide us how many time take syrup & this is write medicine for stone remove?

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Neeri Syrup is an Ayurvedic product, not a prescription medication, it is claimed to help with urinary health and problems.

You should be aware, however, that many of these products make a lot of claims to help with various things, but this is not actually proven.

The ingredients are listed as:

Sudh Shilajeet 200 mg

Shwet Parpati (A.F.I) 150 mg

Moolishar 150 mg

Sheetal Chini 100 mg

Saindha Namak 50 mg

Sajjikhar 50 mg

And Extracts of: Punernava 500 mg

Panchtrin Mool 500 mg

Ikshu Mool 500 mg

Gokshru 450 mg

Chharilla 450 mg

Varun Chaal 400 mg

Kulatha 400 mg

Pashan Bheed 100 mg

PalashPushp 100 mg

Lajaloomool 100 mg

Makol 100 mg

Kakari Beej 100 mg

Daruharidra 500 mg

Excepients 50 mg


IS there anything else I can help you with?

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I'm having a urinary tract infection for 3 to 4 years please help me,i have visited my doctor for checkup 3 to 4 times but didn't get any help,please give me some good advise to cure this desease

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