Need To Get Of Lyrica (Top voted first)


I have been taking 50mg for 3 months aqo have had headache, dizziness,naussa and no energy .I gained 12lbs in this time. Now the doctor is taking me off as I asked to. He said I should just go cold turkey. Is this true? If now what do I o.

2 Replies

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Hello, Honey! How are you?

That's a low dose and you haven't been on it for very long, so there shouldn't be any serious issues with stopping it, as long as your doctor said that it's okay to do so.

If you do run into any issues, please be sure to contact them immediately.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi honey...
I need to Respectfully disagree with Verwon's reply. Three months on that dosage is enough to cause issues with possible seizures along with other problems. It may not, but I had a similar situation where the Dr. said just go off, and wow, it wasn't pretty!!
Some Dr.'s are not educating themselves anywhere near enough on this med. It has basically ruined my life, and getting off is literal HELL. I hope you can wean off safely and don't look back!! Trust me whatever relief it may give, the side effects and permanent issues it causes makes it SO not worth it.
Take care and be safe! :)

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