Need Information 8 Yr Olds Cough (Top voted first)


My 8 yr old just got over a 5 day stomach flu in which he never had a cough til last day.Now he can't sleep for coughing.What can I do? already tried honey,lemon,vapor rub on feet with socks an nothing helping.what can I do for his coughing

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You need to take your child to see their dr. If the cough is that bad and especially after what you think was the stomach flu, your child could have an infection or something else serious.

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Oregano essential oil (when diluted) is a very effective natural remedy for stomach infections and persistent coughing related to viruses, bacteria, etc... It also goes down fairly easy with some raw coconut oil, raw honey, lemon and tea.

I've had that nagging cough for nearly 3 weeks straight before and oregano quickly became the number 1 tool in my arsenal of remedies alongside melaleuca, which is another oil bearing strong antibacterial/antiviral properties. Doterra is the name of the brand I used, though I'm sure there are plenty of other quality oil companies to choose from.

I was just putting a drop of melaleuca under my tongue every 2-3 hours and mixing oregano in my tea or coconut oil. It wasn't too long thereafter before I began to notice that the intervals between my bouts of coughing gradually got longer and less violent until it was no more.

I hope this helps!

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