Need Info For My Doctor
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My doctor currently has me on 15 mgs of morphine sulfate and is NOT going to prescribe oxycodone... Isn't this stronger? Have had 3 back surgeries since August... I can't stand up for more than 15 minutes.... Isn't there anything more I can do? Haven't had any kind of life for months...

2 Replies

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Thanks for your reply. I have not used MedsChat before... What do you know about morphine inj's.? And if Oxycodone is SO much stronger than morphine, WHY is my doc so afraid of using this when I have been in terrible pain for 5 months now?

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Oxycodone is one a half times stronger then Morphine, according to NIH reports, however, there are higher doses of it that can be prescribed, if your doctor is will to do so.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Have you also tried any physical therapy?

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