Mylan A4 Xanax


white round pill,with 2scores

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This is Alprazolam 2mgs, a generic for Xanax.

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And it contains less than the claimed amount of alprazolam.
Mylan USA alprazolam, as opposed to the Mylan European ex-Merck Generics alprazolam, is complete and utter garbage. The poorest make available in the USA.

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How can one tell if blue round tablets with Mylan a4 imprint are legitimate or not?

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Same active ingredient. The shape of the tablet has nothing to do with it. Also, don't believe all the urban myths about generics, they are equal to the brand name, cheaper because they didn't spend billions of dollars to invent and clinical trials and all the FDA rules and regulations. That's why the brand gets patented for about seventeen years. They have to recoup all the money they spent on it. Generics just copy the formula when the patent expires.

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Re: Joseph (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

No, sorry. They do not copy the original formula. If that were the case, the ingredients lists would match. They do not match. The active ingredient is the same, but the generic manufacturers develop their own formulas for the medicine. Unless they are allowed buy the original formula, but even then they can make changes.

Generic medications are not the same as the original brand meds in most cases. They also don't have to do trials to prove that they work the same.

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What is the best manufacturer of xanax?

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