My Pharmist Says It's Illegal To A Diffrent Generic Brand?


every month I get my oxycodone 30 mg filled by a pharmist/owner last month he filled this white round pill that doesn't work at all, I know he gets several brands and I have ask him to please use the a's or m's as I know they are not full of fillers. he told me NO it is against the law to request a certain brand and I Had to take what he gives me. with all the problems with these meds it's hard in florida to find a drug store willing to fill your opiate meds so looking for a new pharmacy want work, I have called every chain & mom & pop. what law is there saying I can't get a brand of my choice? before I changed pharmacys I was with a drug store who would not fill the amount prescribed and had me sign that I didn't want the 30 more pills, until I said no I will write you will only fill 60 of the 90. the trade off was I got the generic brand on the oxy 30's. do pharmist have this right to make their own FLA LAWS ?

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