Must I Give Up My Wine With Dinner Since I Take 25mg Losartan Potasium At 5:00 Every Morning (Top voted first)


I have been taking 25mg Losartan ea. morning for two months but now I've read that I should not have any alcohol...does this mean I have to give up my wine with dinner each evening?

3 Replies

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Hello, Miranda! How are you?

Well first, have you had any problems so far taking the medication and having a glass of wine with your dinner?

Except in a couple of rare cases, the concern about combining most medications with alcohol is that it can aggravate the side effects, so you may feel more dizzy, drowsy and nauseous than usual.

In relation to blood pressure and heart conditions, it's is generally believed that a glass of wine a day is beneficial, red wines have antioxidants, plus they can slightly lower your blood pressure and do some blood thinning, which decreases the work load on the heart… however, excessive amounts can actually have the opposite effect and can be cardiotoxic.

And the most important question is, what has your doctor advised? A lot of it is also based on your overall health and if your health is good, they usually will tell you it's okay to have one or two, but you should always check, just to be safe.

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I just was prescribed losartan and an HTCZ for blood pressure, after being on Triamterene HTCZ for 9 years. I had no problem at all drinking 2 glasses of red wine in the evening. I drank 2 tonight at dinner, and got so very listless and tired. I am also now on Metformin to lower my A1C level

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Verwon, thank you for the reply, I believe you are correct...I had been having the five ounces every night untill I read the alcohol warning on the computer-then decided to give it up till I learned more. Have returned to drinking the wine for the benefit of washing away plaque. Appreciate your reply. Miranda

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