Multaq Anyone Else Take It (Page 41)
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Okay I will start off by saying this drug scares me because it has not been out for very long. I have Afrial Fib which is not behaving I can be 70 beats one min and regular and the next I will be at 190 and in atrial fib and flutter. this is my last chance at a med I have tried all the others I usually end up in the ER two or three times a week. I have had one ablation so far. If anyone else takes it please let me know what it is like. I am starting it on Tuesday.

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I've been on Multaq (400 mg 2x a day) since 10/8/09. It has been helpful - but not perfect. I will still occassionaly go out of rhythm - but I seem to convert back within 1 to 6 hours. That's a big improvement compared to not converting back on my own prior to Multaq - or going a couple of days before converting.

I recently had a skin infection also - not sure if it was related to Multaq though. Doctor diagnosed it as Cellulitus and put me 10 days of anti-biotics. I'm currently on day 5 and it is stating to clear up.

But overall, I'd say that Multaq is controlling my AF better than Metoprolol was - so so far so good.

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I've been on Multaq for five weeks for Afib. I'm taking it before I have a Cardioversion. My doctor thinks taking this will get rid of the Afib.
I never have a very high heart rate.
But I'm out of rhythm. Only side effect is indigestion. I'm 74

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These are the side effects listed by the FDA.
What are the possible side effects of MULTAQ?

•Slowed heartbeat (bradycardia)
•Stomach problems such as
◦stomach area (abdominal) pain
•feeling tired and weak
•skin problems such as redness, rash, and itching

Tell your doctor about any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. These are not all the possible side effects of MULTAQ. For more information ask your doctor or pharmacist.

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My dermatologist said that I have eczema which is not related to my drugs. That's a relief. I am very pleased with Multaq.

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I forgot to mention, Tikosyn and Couamdin are the only heart related meds I am now on. I was on 5 before the Tikosyn.

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Lara, I had 2 ablations and the first made my afib worse, and the second now keeps it for the most part under 200. I tried Multaq, I started this discussion to find out more about it. It did not work for me mainly because the side effects made me feel worse than the AFib. Ask your doctor if you could use Tikosyn it is very guarded and only certain cardiac doctors can dispense it, you even have to look around for an approved pharmacy, but I swear it saved me. It is kind of scary, but no scarrier than Multaq. Just a thought for you, have now been out of the hospital for 2 weeks, a record for me, I usually last 3 days at the most. Carolann

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Hi Lara,

I was still having frequent afib episodes during my first week or so of taking multaq, but they've stopped and I haven't had one for about 4 weeks now. My doctor also doubled my Metoprolol dose from 50mg twice a day to 100mg twice a day after that first week.

So far I haven't had any issues with skin rashes.

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Spoke too soon about not having Afib. Had an episode Friday which lasted through the night, but converted on own the next morning. I'm thrilled that my BP remains great and my heart rate has settled down into the 60's and low 70's. Because of the breakthrough Afib and continued itchy skin rash, my cardiologist is suggesting I quit Multaq and consult with an electophysiologist regarding an ablation. So many people report failed ablations that the option doesn't excite me. While on Multaq, has anyone experienced episodes of Afib that have since ceased? Has anyone had the rash totally subside?

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Paffygirl, my experience and opinion mirrors yours. I'm going to make a dermatology appointment. I also take Digoxin and Metoprolol tartrate. I'll keep you posted.

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I also broke out with itchy patches on my arms and feet. My doctor said to discontinue Multaq, but I didn't because I was not sure the drug was the cause. I am going into my third month on Multaq and it is WORKING!!! An ablation did not work and every drug they offer did not work. This is working and I am so thankful. I still get red patches on my skin, but they do not itch. I feel the tradeoff is worth it.

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I have taken Multaq for two months, and I am developing red itchy patches on my body. Hydrocortisone has some effect but does not clear them up. I keep getting more spots.

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Started Multaq 3 weeks ago. Have had no Afib episodes since, although I have experienced palpatations. My blood pressure is great, but my heart rate stays in the high 80's most of the time. In the past it was usually under 70. This is likely due to cessation of atenolol at the same time I began on Multaq. In this third week on Multaq, I have developed itchiness on the top of my left hand and red blotches on my face. Has anyone had this rash-like symptom and had it go away after awhile?

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After spending the last 31 days nearly in the hospital we have decided that my 2nd ablation has failed, no longer taking Multaq,but I did start taking Tikosyn, has a fw side effects but it keeps the heart rate down below 160. I will be on it for 4 months then will try to come off it and have a pacemaker put in.

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I have been on Multaq for about 1 month. Only Rythmol and Flecanide worked to control my AFIB, but after 1 year on each they were no longer effective. I have had no side effects from Multaq, but it is expensive & NOT COVERED by Medicare.

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I saw the cardiologist today and we are not going to do the ablation. He says Multaq works in roughly 50% of the population and when it works, it works well. I am hoping to be in that group! He aslo said a small occasionl glass of wine is probably OK - I tried a small amount tonight so we will see what happens.

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Jan: During afib. my heart rate is up to 115-124 and blood pressure is a little higher .. maybe 130/90. Normal for me is 110/70 with heart rate 65.

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Question. Does anyone have problems with high blood pressure during these A-Fib episodes, or is it just tachycardia?

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Alan: Did you have the ablations before Multaq? Are you still taking 400mg. 2 x a day? I'm on Multaq but only take 1 pill a day is working so far (1 month). what a relief.

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I have been on Multaq for 3 months now , I have been A-Fib Free , I have been taking 400 2 Xs a day , My BP is 110/60 , I have had 2 ablations , Multaq is the best of all meds I have taken , I just started taking it 1 xs a day , so far so good , the only bad thing is the brady Cardia , when my heart beat is under 60 ,

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Ed: I don't think wine would be a good idea with Multaq. If your a.fib.has stopped for so long why bother with the ablation. Just wait for a while. This is a new drug and I don't think the doctors know enough yet. I know it has worked for me. So why fix it if it is working?

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