Msj (Top voted first)


small, round, white tablet. with MSJ imprinted on it

45 Replies (3 Pages)

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Myu son had a small blue pill with msj stamped on one side and a line half way accross the other side. What is it used for what is it ?

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Hi, I found these small yellow pills that has MSJ written on one side and just a breaking line on the other. But they are yellow, not blue. Can Anyone help me to find what they are?

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hello a few of my friends know of these msj pills and they are a tipe of valium. but they wont tell me were they get them from but they do say they get them in tubs of 1000x.

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its valium 10mg from switzeland !!!

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i got told it is ephedrine, but it doesnt have the same effect as the ephedrine i got off my mate. this tablet i have got only has msj on 1 side and nothing on the other side

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They are generic 10mg diazapam tablets pretty small blue MSJ on one side and a score mark on the other im pretty sure there from sweden or switzerland

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@sarah they are 5ml ones u can also get white 2ml ones

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1 more thing after reading all the posts i think 30mg of diazipam in a 10 is very unrealistic, come on thease are a huge blackmarket drug which the makers want as much profit as they can get so why would then stick triple the amount of diazipam in them ??come on wake up ppl herion in a pill that costs 50pence in my town for 1 and herion is £10 for 0.1gram work it out who in there right mind would stick a drug that costs 10x the amount in a valium??? NO1 would to be frank.....

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They are not dog valium,i was an iv heroin addict for 10 years,used EVERY drug you can think of,dihydrocodine,oxycontin,nitrazepam,diazepam,tamazepam,methadone,buprenorphine,all of it,seems to me half the people on this site don't have a clue what their on about.

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I have a batch of the same yellow MSJ's. Be careful. I have a tolerance and can take alot but two mof my mates who had just come out of rehab (this is the most worrying time, as you're tolerance has gone right down but in your mind you think you still have the tolerance of Tony Montana) These two mates went an bought a tub of a 100 as they always did, now they are both dead. Some of these tablets I believe can be real, just diazapam made by a different manufacturer and some, bought off the internet are just fakes, mae up of allsorts.
I'll post the results here once I get them back.
I will be taking a couple of the tablets I have to my drug and alcohol doctor to get tested and see whats in these ones once and for all.

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about valium msj..well msj are the manufacturer who made them in sri-lanka.they are mate have a bottle of 1000 of them and thats what its on the label.the ones i got are genuine but be careful where u buy it from cause there are lots of fakes around.the ones i took worked ok and i had no problem with them.nothing better then the genuine ones but on the lack of them this ones will do.never heard nothing about sweden.india and sri lanka thats where they come from.

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they r valium defo from sweden and sri lanka.
The YELLOW MSJ will be half strength 5mg SARAH

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Thanks for all the replies. Is it dangerous that a nurse is giving them without authorization to my 12 yr. old sister who has special needs? Interesting that the nurse is from Sri Lanka and she recently went there on vacation.I'm just worried about the side effects. I confronted her after your great replies, but she denied giving any medicine to her.

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this is a message for sarah i dont mean to be intrusive but you say your daughter has special needs and i cant emagine what your going through, only sympytise but when my nan whos 83 could'nt move with arthritus the docter told her to take painkillers as useuall didnt work i got her sum blue valium and she was reluctent at first but eventually she started talking them and now she can walk with minimal pain get up an down the stairs unaided and can even do her knitting aswell which made her so happy she made me a jumper they might be illegal but unless you can get them on prescription stick with the msj (dog valium which are blue)

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Are u for real what are u thinking man! How would smack and coke be put in valium where is the profit in that.Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!

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There basically the same ,meant to b 5mgs but msj's very in mg so much that it doesn't seem to matter in fact depending on where they've come from they r better than the blues :)

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No they are not swiz at all they are fake diazepam. blew yellow whatever, there fake diazepam, but there f***ing good. they make u feel just the same as the real thing

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Real ones are from Sri Lanka - they are sold in pots of 1000. If anyone knows where I can find some please let me know {edited for safety reasons}. Thank you

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how long does its stay in your blood stream, can it last up to 10 hours?

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