Moving To Kansas City Mo Last Minute Need Help
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Hello everyone,

So I've been doing the pain management thing the correct way for about 15 years. I take Opana ER and Oxycodone IR every day. I've finally found the right dosage of each to be able to at least cope with my Ankylosing Spondylitis as well as the 3 different columns I've had fused. Well lucky me I found out yesterday I'm being transferred to KC MO next week! My current doc didn't know anyone there to refer me to, so I'm asking for everyone here's assistance. At this point I'm not too terribly picky. Yeah I would prefer a place that didn't treat me like I'm some sort of junky just because I know exactly what works for me. However I do understand that that's going to happen wherever I go for the most part. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the advice. I will for sure give her a call. I dont get it. Ive got 12+ years of documented problems along with an extensive history of being prescribed opiates. I know 2x40 mg opana er a day and 2x30 mg oxycodone ir 3x a day is a lot, but anyone who looks can see a natural progression to that point over more than a decade. How is it so called pain specialists can just tell me i take to much without ever seeing me, or looking at my records. I really wish people at the DEA would stay the f*@# out of doctors office and leave the medical decisions to those who went to school for almost a decade spending a fortune in the process. I understand there are shady doctors and patients out there, but isnt it better to give 10 junkies drugs then to let 1 person suffer in pain?

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Hi, I live here in KCMO...I'm a chronic pain suffer. I take OxyContin 10mg ER and Hydrocodone 7.5mg as well! My doctor is a pain management doctor and is very good at what she does. Her name is Kim M Davies MD.

7844 Quivira. Shawnee, KS

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