Morphine Sulfate Make Pill Into Injectable.. (Page 3)
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it felt like i was going to die

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What's wrong with just taking them orally ? I do and get by just fine without having to deal with hassle that seems to come with shooting them up . I have 9 broken ribs and take my 3 30mg pills a day and it works just fine ! No needles , no track marks to hide , and no looking like a freakin junky . Is all that crap that comes with having to bang it really worth it ? You who do it that way must not care or have gigantic balls and dead end jobs . Or your hillbillys living off disability , and just wanna make themselves feel high instead of working like productive people. Freakin junkys. Ill pray for all you people that are gambling with your lives . I don't pity you cause your screwups , I pity you for the way you've chose to feel high and be losers.

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I don't get u junkys ! What's wrong with taking it like its intended ? I've been one 3 30 mg 3 times a day and taking as directed works just fine. But I guess when your an addict you feel like everything has to be shot up. Wanna kill yourself, do it. But don't drag others down with you !

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Hey 85 street smarts i just did a m 30 purple morphine all i did was add alot of cold water mix draw and shoot.been feeling weird since.whatsup

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Im sorry but you are wrong, injecting morphine is bad, however its do-able and comes in many brands, ABG which are easiest for injection, IR or instant release Morphine sulfate which only needs water, Mallinkrodt which does gel up but is still easily do able, good thing your a plastic surgery, because you obviously dont know your s*** about medicine.

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You are scaring me! I am 42, I have RA, OA, generative disc disease, fibromyalgia, have had 6 back surgeries and currently have severe nerve and chronic pain, very bad chronic pain. Oh, and I am a 2 yr survivor in remission for liver cancer (9x7 INCH ) tumor that exploded!
I was looking on here to see if it's 'normal' to have no reaction to morphine at all. I take hydrocodone 10. But besides that only dilaudid works at the hospital.
During procedures they have given me fentynal and the white 'normal' stuff and from a recent EGD test I woke up 4 times during it! I thought this site might explain what's wrong with me.....but God help you, you guys are by far worse off than I am!

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I really can't begin to understand why people are on a site that is for people who are wanting to know how to inject morphine if you are just going to judge addicts. You judgemental pigs obviously have your own serious issues IF you are not only reading all of the posts, but taking time to post your own ridiculous opinions. You have no freaking idea what addicts have to go through every day, dealing with all the pain and sorrow. And for all of you "non addicts" whining about you having trouble getting pain meds bc of all of the addicts ruining it for're all full of crap. If you can prove you are in pain you WILL HAVE NO PROBLEM GETTING PAIN MEDS. If all of the addicts are getting pills without proof of pain, you should have NO PROBLEM getting your pills you claim your not addicted to. You all need to get a life. You guys are worse off than the addicts.

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Hey jerk, if you really have legitimate pain and can prove it with x-rays or cat scans then you could easily find a PAIN CLINIC that only deal with chronic pain patients. A regular MD is not always comfortable prescribing scheduled narbecause of the risk of it killing addicts. You might have to drive a few hours every month if you don't have a pain clinic near by, but if you really have that much pain i'ts certainly worth it.

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Shut up I agree it is harder to get medicine now a days but if there is something legitimately wrong with you. You will have no problem getting a prescription from a Dr. But your right out the er unless you have a documented history of your illness n problems with pain. N that's the truth bc my mom has no problem getting her medicine bc she actually has a legitimate illness she has stage 3 thyroid cancer n she can get her 100mg morphine pills filled no problem n when she goes to the hospital once again she doesn't have an issue getting the help she needs

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For the people whom are advising others to Inject M.S.T Morphine sulphate. Are you right in the head,you profess to being some kind of Hard Hitting pro your a joke a sick one at that..Listen up1 Pills are not for injection, Ampules are or infussion or S.C. NOT PILLS trust me on this guys i have lost more aquantances through Drugs over Three Decades than most,people usually loose there hands or feet legs etc as well as their lives in the name of Cranking Pills.Therefore if your meds need uping see your Doc as i am sure if your on script for Morphine or other opiates or oids then you'll have no problem getting AMPS if there deemed suitable.Then again if your just there for the high then keep your opinions too yourself as any one who injects Entric coated tablets really doesn't care about there own life so why should there care about any one elses.
Skax out...

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no thats bulls*** you can to i.v it just fine i never had never will shooting up drugs is a death wish. . its just not worth it but i have seen it done.... extremely stupid but very possible.

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there is A LOT more to it than that. only people that know exacly what they are doing should do it. amatures will kill themselves making it the way i have been reading on this forum. none of you, & i mean, not 1 of these instructions are accurate. come on people, THINK!!!

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well said mate. knock that clown down a peg or 2.

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oh dear, how sad, nevermind. don't go into sites if you don't like what's in said sites. you obviously have no clue what addiction is like.

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dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. if anyone follows your instructions, they will end up dying.

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u shouldn't listen to just anyone when it comes 2 that moron

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I know a bit about how you feel. I was born with a chronic disease that causes A LOT of pain!
I feel weird about asking my Doctors for more pain meds when I'm in the hospital and still in pain, while dumbasses play with pain meds to get high. If they had our illnesses for a week, they would see that even with a chronic illness pain meds barely do anything. I'm sorry that where you are at drs won't prescribe pain meds. It really is because of people abusing pain meds. To anyone on this thread that has a REAL condition that you need pain meds for, I'm sorry.

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It is absolutely possible otherwise morphine wouldn't be SWIM's drug of choice.. An addict will do what they want, so like someone said might as well tell them so they don't end up dead.. I def wouldn't reccomend using HEET or whatever that is... The directions givin about adding extra water and moving the gel aside is correct. This info is coming from people some of you are calling "POS" addicts.. SWIM does them and like I said if we didn't get high we wouldn't do them.. And watch out to all you judging just on CNN last night it said they average age for first time heroin use is 14.8 years old.. And they're middleclass white kids not scums you look down on it could be your own children and you wouldn't know.. And obviously being a doctor you should know addiction is a disease so I hope your not talking s*** about people having heart attacks or hey..why don't you judge me for being epileptic.. If there was a stop button most of us would have pushed it a long time ago..its a daily struggle most of us are stuck in.. Not so much a choice because like I said who would choose to live like this.. She asked if it was possible so you doctors/others getting on here to judge us and think they're better then us stay off the site because I don't think this forum said comment to judge me...and I haven't f***ed anything up for people that have legitament pain..I don't doctor shop and never have

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f'ing do-gooders, concerned citizens. you doctors and nurses with holier than thou attitudes. pissed off cuz u went to school for umpteen f'ing years, and find out on a junkie q & a site that you can shoot up, plug up, the pill u een stealing from patients. fu. Don't tell us with your condescending attitude that we dont now. your head has been up your ass your whole life i suspect, so you sit down with a belly full of wine and valium and pump up your deflated ego. I have shot dope and anything I can get into an outfit for 30 yrs. I am a succesful, happy, dude with some setbacks. I am a life skills coach, therapist, MFT. You need therapy! lol to my fellow hypes. The ONLY thing I will suggest is this, be VERY careful when drinking and doing dope, any opiates or muscle relaxers. I mean its a painless death, you just go to sleep. SHOOT UP OR SHUT UP!

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I've been in pain management clinics for over 25 years,as a patient.I have had 7 Medtronic morphine injection pumps.The first one worked fine but after that it was staff infection,bacterial meningitis and pump failures.I'm now with a pump inside,that is not working and can't be repaired or replaced due to my high risk of infection.Every time my pump went down I went on high doses of morphine sulfate to company dangerous withdrawal and to achieve and minimal amount of relief.I'm been a morphine addict,not by choice since 1995.I have reach the point that I do inject this med sometimes and get me some very good and quick relief.I don't even crush,I just add water and heat until boiling and then filter up the liquid.There is a bit of jel present but has no effect on my extraction.I usually do 60mg at a time.

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