Morphine I.r. Compared To Norco 10/325
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for the last 7 years I have been on Norco 10's got to the point I was taking 12 to 15 a day, it got to the point that they stopped working for me so my dr. put me on morphine er 15mg 3x a day with 30mg instant release 4x a day im new to morphine but have a very high tolerance to opiots, im just wondering if I made a good switch. I remember when the Norco made me feel great but I have yet to take two 30mg i.r. at once to see if that was a pleasant feeling, anyone have some helpful advice in this area? thanks
4 Replies
Sounds like you're taking them only for the feeling you get.
Hello, I have taken 6-7 tabs of Norco 10/325 for years. I have severe back problems, I have had surgeries, injections, therapy etc. Well, as you all know they took Watsons' off the market and substituted with alot of different manufacturers and I cannot take these. the last ones I got were Mallekoft (sp ) and I had some really bad side effects. Every month a different manufacturer . I cannot take these .. My doctor put me on Morphine 100mg Three times daily, I nearly died. So he changed these to Oxycodone 20mg IR , every 6 hours. The Oxycodone 20mg IR are better ,but I still have some pain and I am concerned how they make me feel. I always got a feeling of well being from the Norco 10/325 ( Watson ) but with the oxycodone I feel down, tired, just crappy. What should I expect from Oxycodone 20mg IR . How should I feel ? I don t want to work now, do any of my hobbies, talk to people ??? IF I ask my Doctor to try me on something else what ? I was not addicted ??? to the Norco ?? as I could take less some days and feel ok etc. Tell me what to do People, I am a working retiree and I want to feel like I did two months ago. I cannot take the Norco 10/325 with the manufacturers now, changing everything.
the person that answered that question is incorrect there is a morphine IR and a morphine ER hence immediate release and extended release
Hello, Charles! How are you?
The reason you aren't getting that same effect from the Morphine is because it's time released. The Norco was released all at once within 15 to 20 minutes of taking it, but the Morphine is slowly released into your body over a period of about 12 hours.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
And there is no instant release Morphine, that would just be a regular release similar to the Norco.
How is it working for you? That's the most important question.
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