

Yes this is a living hell.. Sure wish we could put pictures!! Burns like hell would...

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Yes we should beable to post pictures!

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I had this on my skin for 3 years and just recently found out I had Morgellons by myself researching it on the internet. I had gone to two different doctors and nothing was working. Then I found others who were suffering also. I am so appreciative of all the posts because I have found something that worked for me. Someone posted that garlic worked for them and I thought it cannot hurt me. I bought whole garlic and sliced it up, ate it raw with a piece of bread and bathed in garlic powder. I honestly was amazed that this is what had finally got rid of this for me. I am taking Grandmas Herbs Parasite Cleanse and doing the garlic. I have only a few lesions left, the itching and stinging sensations are gone. This was a horrible experience for me - I have never seen anything like it. I hope who is reading this will try it and it WORKS for you. Remember it can't hurt you, you will smell like an Italian dish but who cares. Blessings to everyone.

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