Montelukast And Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride Tablets Mankind Make
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I m prescribed this medicine for allergic cold & sneezing problem. Needs a solution without medicine as was not having problen on regular basis.
3 Replies
I've been taking Montelukast sodium Levocetirizine diHCl for 2 week the next day im having a clogged nose and watery eyes then i continue it for 6 weeks. After may med, i feel the same clogged nose, watery nose and puffy eye and head ache. I dont want to be a drug dependent because i feel relief when i take this. med. Is there a natural cure for this . . I feel hopeless because im less productive when i have sinusitis/alergic rhynitis.pls help me. Thanks
I am taking montelukast and levocitrizine since last 2 months does it has any side effects??
Hello, Raman! How are you?
Which is it that you're actually suffering from, an allergy or a cold?
They are two different things and a proper answer for you will depend on which it is.
Can you please post back with more information? Thanks!
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