Montair Lc Overdose Use (Top voted first)
UpdatedI hv given double dose of montair lc kid syrup to my 3.5 year old daughter by mistake for 3-4 days.
please advice is there any side effect. i am worried for the same..
2 Replies
Hello, Manu! How is your daughter doing? Did she experience any adverse effects?
If you aren't sure what to do, you should always contact your nearest emergency medical services in the future and overdose could cause health problems, or even be fatal, as reported by the U.S. FDA.
Some symptoms of overdose may include nausea, vomiting, severe dizziness, drowsiness and shallow breathing.
I have mistakenly given my 5yr 6months old a Montair lc tablet instead of Montair lc kid tablet. I hope it won’t effect him. Please reply
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