Missed 95mg Of Methadone And Substituted With A Subutex (Top voted first)


My finance has been attending a methadone clinic for about a month now. He is up to 95 ml of liquid methadone. This morning he missed his dosage and in fear of getting withdrawal he took a subutex. He is now getting insanely cold then hot then cold again. His legs are hurting him insanely bad. Should I be worried? Can someone please tell me what's going on? I have no idea about any of this stuff but I absolutely hate seeing him this way! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

4 Replies

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I think it's called precipitated withdrawals. It's what happens when you take the suboxone before your body is completely rid of the methadone. Basically the suboxone is forcing his body to eliminate the methadone. This is what I gather from reading posts about switching from methadone to subs. They say at least 3 - 4 days off methadone, and your daily dosage has to be 30mg or less. He needs to see a doctor immediately.

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He's n withdrawal. I've done it before myself. Never mix the 2 not even if it's subutex.some people can mix the 2 and be fine but most people like me cant. I thought I was gonna die for real.hell be okay just try to sleep if can wait on dose tomorrow.

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It’s because the beauty or Suboxone will throw you straight in tune with drawls if you are on methadone Methadone has a half life you can’go a day without taking it and still be OK till the next morning when you can does that mean

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He is going through WD'S there is nothing he can do except wait it out. Never take those 2 medications together. I think he should be fine after he doses tomorrow.

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