Mirtazapine Drug Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


hi to all ive been on mirtazapine for a few months now and i had a drug test a few week ago and its came back positive for amphetamins i dont do drugs except what my doctor gives me im tryin to find any info on internet but no luck thanx for any replies

52 Replies (3 Pages)

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I have had the same problem and i may be loosing my job over this

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Re: Leroy (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I've just started taking mirtazapine and I get drug tested every 2 months. Should I be worried?

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Re: John holmes (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Can you supply a link to this info please?

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I’ve been in drug recovery for about 5 years. MAT technically. I’ve gotten drug tested once a month at least for all those years. I just started the Mirtazapine a few months ago but haven’t had any false positives thus far. I’m about to stop taking it though, I had it written because I’m having some GI issues and it helps your appetite but for one my Drs wrote it with a bunch of medication I have to take that your not supposed too mix w the Remeron or you could get Seretonin Syndrome. Also noticed it made me more aggressive… definitely helped me sleep but almost too much. I’m on my 3rd day without… I’ve heard it can cause withdrawal… we shall see

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Re: naywashere (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I get that same crap, I already would get “sleep paralysis” before the Mirtazapine but it definitely makes it work, like you said thank hod my chick can tell when I’m having it now and can shake me out, creepy stuff

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It can show up positive for both thc and benzos due to a cross reaction with the tests. I found this out after testing positive for thc after 6 years of never having that problem. Because I am on probation, I just about lost it cause I knew I had not been doing anything that would cause a positive and my psychiatrist told me that it had been known to show up as one of those 2 classes I mentioned earlier. Talk to your doctor and make sure to let him know everything you took including OTC and supplements. A lab confirmed that I was telling the truth and that is how I learned that, yes, mirtazipine can cause cross reactions. Be aware that many doctors are not knowledgeable on false positives so be patient. Definitely make sure your doctor is quite well versed on their psychiatric drugs.

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Re: T91 (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

You need to insist on having it lab tested. Remeron showed up on mine as a false positive for THC and I demanded further testing. It came back completely negative. I think a lot more interactions occur than they make public to keep the money in the corrections system as well as Big Pharma's pockets. Luckily I found this out before my probation officer did.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Actually Remeron can cause false positives because of a cross reaction with the tests. I had a false positive for THC and am on probation and was understandably upset because I knew for a fact that I wasn't using. My psychiatrist confirmed that it has been known to cause false positives for marijuana and benzos. Luckily she discovered this and sent it to the lab which proved I was indeed negative. Unfortunately the Internet doesn't have all the information that is out there are many doctor's, especially outside of the psychiatric field, who knows it. I'm sure if it can give false positives for those drug classes then it can probably give other kinds of false positives as well. I do agree with you that there are many other prescription and OTC medicines as well as dietary supplements that can also cause this but unfortunately yes Remeron can cause it as well. Also people should know that even though this may have never happened before it can do it at any time. I took it for 6 years and never had a false negative until this past May.

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I have been on remeron,/ mirtazapine for two &half,it is the only scripts i am on or taking. I am scheduled for a drug screen tomorrow for a job.i will inform you if i pass the test.

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Are you sure it's not the dependence on the xanax causing the irritability?

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will Mirtazapine show posiitve in a drug test ??
after a break of 7days ??

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I had night terrors on that med. very bad mood swings ,Id break down and cry. The Dr. gave it to me to help me sleep. I would fall asleep bout 30 minutes after taking it. 2 hours later i could open my eyes but couldnt speak or move. My daughter seen me open my eyes and thank god she shook me because I couldnt move.
I just had a drug screen today and I am scared that they are going to say I tested positive also. I do not drink or do drugs Im afraid of pills and my father has a drinking problem. If my test comes up positive I will share.

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