Michol Tablet
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wat is it prescribed for

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I live in South Africa and my husband is treating himself with Michol 20mg under the impression it's an antibiotic to treat an abcess in his tooth. I'd like to know what it treats?

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I'm in South Africa and have been prescribed Michol 10mg for slightly elevated cholesterol levels. Not sure if it's side effects of the medication but there are days when i just feel "thick-headed". Sorry:) that's the only way I have of describing how I feel. I've heard that you need to increase a certain vitamin in your diet when ingesting a "statin" which Micol contains, but as i write this not sure what vitamin it is. Will find out and get back to you.

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I am sorry, this has been posted several times by people asking similar questions, but I cannot located anything under this name. I have even tried different variations.

What country are you in? This may help us to locate it for you.

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